随着对产品质量及品质稳定性要求的提高,很多企业将原来由人工对产品的抽样检测、全检测升级为由机器对产品进行全检,以提高企业在产品整体质量上的竞争能力。亿瑞诺一公司可为用户的检测对象量身定制全自动产品功能检测分拣机、机器人视觉检测分拣系统。With the requirement to improve product quality and stability, many enterprises take Automatic Testing & sorting system to check the product’s function and appearance to instead of what they did past manually. so as to enhance the competitiveness ine their respect market. Easynice can develop different Automatic Testing & sorting system (including robot visual inspection system)according to satisfy customers.
The movement motion of our Automatic Testing & sorting system can be Index motion or Continuous motion.
Automatic testing system can be integrated into the assembly machine. It is also workable to connect automatic testing machine with automatic assembly machines to form a completed assembling and inspection line.
Easynice provide following typical automatic testing & sorting machines:
Leakage testing and sorting machine
Pump priming teasting machine