供应PIC10F206 SOT23-6原装耳机线控IC SOT23-6 6脚IC原装耳机线控IC 单片机 苹果手机线控IC 苹果耳机线控IC 耳机IC 苹果手机耳机IC 耳机线控IC苹果耳机线控原装iphone4耳机线控苹果耳机线控线控耳机苹果线控耳机
PIC10F206 SOT23-6 (周小姐:18025358383 ***:188805125)
Only 33 single-word instructi*** to learn
All single-cycle instructi*** except for program
branches, which are two-cycle
12-bit wide instructi***
2-level deep ha***are stack
Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
for data and instructi***
8-bit wide data path
8 Special Function Ha***are registers
Operating speed:
4 MHz internal clock
1&igr***e;s instruction cycle
Operating Current:
< 175 &igr***e;A @ 2V, 4 MHz, typical
Standby Current:
100 nA @ 2V, typical
Low-power, high-speed Flash technology:
100,000 Flash endurance
> 40 year retention
Fully static design
Wide operating voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V
Wide temperature range:
- Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
- Extended: -40°C to +125°C