Long term supporting electric tricycles battery, battery as power tricycles, their use requires far more than ordinary battery performance is much higher, the initial choice of tricycles battery according to its weight, plate thickness, internal resistance of battery discharge testing etc, judgment, tricycles battery charging is deep deep discharge series, size and normal car battery is almost 100AH, but the tricycles battery while the dimensi*** of ***all capacity, but were not reduced, must h***e 120AH can make the tricycle in the distance with guarantee, tricycles battery forklift battery use and concepts, are electric, the internal structure and forklift battery is almost the same, the use of discharge cannot put the battery percent after release, must make the battery undervoltage protection, the service life of the storage battery in the eight months to a year, later on tricycles battery maintenance is essential, in the charging process, current should not exceed 12A, according to the accumulator liquid specific gr***ity and voltage adjust.