450PF PEEK 英国威格斯 总代理直销450PF PEEK 英国威格斯 总代理直销450PF PEEK 英国威格斯 总代理直销
英国威格斯PEEK 450PF原料介绍:
VICTREX PEEK 450PF聚合物被公认为全世界性能的材料之一,拥有现今市场上为广泛的聚酮系列产品,能够改善应用性能、增加设计自由度以及降低系统成本。
威格斯450PF的先进聚合物系列产品包括多种不同类型的聚醚醚酮产品以及数十种掺合物和化合物。VICTREX PEEK聚合物, 除颗粒和粉末两种产品外,还有其他成品形式,例如:板棒材、纤维、薄膜(APTIV薄膜)以及涂料(VICTREX涂料)。
英国威格斯PEEK 450PF原料特性:
VICTREX PEEK 450PF聚合物标准产品和通用规格等系列产品可满足不同产业客户的各种需求。这一系列产品提供独特的综合性能包括优异的机械强度和高温性能,可协助客户改善零件功能、确保长期可靠性,同时节省成本。产品包括:未填充、精细过滤、玻璃纤维填充、碳纤维填充以及高耐磨产品。
英国威格斯PEEK 450PF详解:
The solutions to these solved special cases suggest a coding technique for the general model [15, 16]. The idea is this. Each encoder first quantizes its obser-vation as in single-user rate-distortion theory. The quantized processes are then losslessly communicated to the decoder using the binning scheme of Cover [17].
The decoder uses the quantized processes to produce the desired estimates. The set of rate-distortion vectors that can be achieved using this scheme is described in Section 3. This inner bound to the rate-distortion region is tight in all of the special cases listed above except that of K¨orner and Marton [9]. Indeed,the K¨orner-Marton problem seems to require a custom coding technique that relies on the problem’s unique structure. This suggests that the multiterminal
source-coding problem may not have a classical single-letter solution.