450GL30 PEEK 英国威格斯 ******
英国威格斯 PEEK 450GL30 耐高温产品介绍:
相较於钢、铝和钛,VICTREX PEEK更容易加工且重量轻
英国威格斯 PEEK 450GL30 耐高温特性:
英国威格斯 PEEK 450GL30树脂是理想的电绝缘体,在高温、高压和高湿度等恶劣的工作条件下,仍能保 持良好的电绝缘性能,因此电子信息领域逐渐成为PEEK树脂第二大应用领域,制造输送 超纯水的管道、阀门和泵,在半导体工业中,常用来制造晶圆承载器、电子绝缘膜片以及 各种连接器件。作为一种半结晶的工程塑料,PEEK不溶于浓***外的几乎所有溶剂,因 而常用来制作压缩机阀片、活塞环、密封件和各种化工用泵体、阀门部件。
英国威格斯 PEEK 450GL30 耐高温详解:
Our aim is to provide an improved outer bound for the problem. We prove such a bound in the next section, following a precise formulation of the problem.
We show that our bound is contained in (i.e., subsumes) the Berger-Tung outer bound in Section 3. In that section, we also provide several examples for which the containment is strict.
One example is the binary erasure version of the “CEO problem,” the general version of which was introduced by Berger, Zhang, and Viswanathan [18]. The CEO problem is a special case of the multiterminal source-coding problem in which the observed processes are conditionally independent given。