150GF30 PEEK 英国威格斯 ***
英国威格斯150GF30 PEEK产品介绍:
150GF30 PEEK 密度 ISO1183 1.32g/cm3 体积电阻 VD0303 4.9*1016xcm 吸水性 DIN53495 0.5% 表面电阻 VDE0303 ≥1015 化学抵抗性 ﹣ 介电常数1MHz DIN53483 3.2 连续使用温度 ﹣40~260C 介电损耗因数1MHz DIN53483 0.003 屈服抗拉强度 ISO527 97MPa 介电强度 VDE0303 190kv/mm 屈服拉应变 ISO527 4.9% 泄漏电流强度 DIN5340 KC150 极限抗拉强度 ISO527 ﹣ 粘接性 ﹢ 极限拉应变 ISO527 ﹥60% ***无害性 EEC90/128 ﹣ 抗冲击韧度 ISO179 0.B.kJ/m2
英国威格斯150GF30 PEEK材料特性:
英国威格斯150GF30 PEEK详解:
In this paper, we view lossless compression as a limit of lossy compression with the distortion tending to zero. More precisely, if we wish to reproduce Y1 losslessly, we will set, say, Z1 = Y1 with d1 equal to Hamming distance, and then examine . This convention and Definition 1 together yield a notion of lossless compression that is weaker than the one traditionally used. It is common instead to require that for all sufficiently large block lengths, there exists a code for which the probability of correctly reproducing the entire vector Y n is arbitrarily close to 1. But a weaker notion is desirable here since we are proving an outer bound or “converse” result.
To state our result, let be generic random variables with the distribution of the source at a single time. Let Γo denote the set of finite-alphabet random variables satisfying