150G PEEK 英国威格斯 总代理直销
英国威格斯150G PEEK产品介绍:
150G PEEK机械特性PEEK是韧性和刚性兼备并取得平衡的塑料。特别是它对交变应力的优良耐疲劳是所有塑料中最出众的,可与合金材料媲美。 2:自润滑性PEEK在所有塑料中具有出众的滑动特性,适合于严格要求低摩擦系数和耐摩耗用途使用。特别是碳纤、石墨各占一定比例混合改性的PEEK自润滑性能更佳。 3:耐化学药品性(耐腐蚀性)PEEK具有优异的耐化学药品性.在通常的化学药品中,能溶解或者破坏它的只有浓硫酸,它的耐腐蚀性与镍钢相近。 4:阻燃性PEEK是非常稳定的聚合物,1.45mm厚的样品,不加任何阻燃剂就可达到最高阻燃标准。
英国威格斯150G PEEK特性:
英国威格斯150G PEEK详解:
Substituting this into (4) and proceeding as inthe Ac = ∅ case completes the proof. It is worth noting that the proof uses classical techniques. Most of the ma-nipulations in the latter part of the proof can beviewed as versions of the chain rule for mutual information. Since this chain rule holds in abstract spaces [21,(3.6.6)], the proof can be readily extended to more general alphabets.
The key step in the proof is the introduction of Xn in (2). Unlike the other auxiliary random variables, Xn does not represent a component of the code.
Rather, it is used to aid the analysis by inducing conditional independence among the messages sent by the encoders. This technique of augmenting the source to induce conditional independence was pioneered by Ozarow [22], who used it to solve the Gaussian two-descriptions problem. Wang and Viswanath [23] used it to determine the sum rate of the Gaussian vector multiple-descriptions problem with individual and central decoders.
It was also used by Wagner,Tavildar, and Viswanath [24] to solve the Gaussian two-terminal source-coding problem. A step that is similar to (2) appeared in Gel‘fand and Pinsker [10]and in later papers on the Gaussian CEO problem [13, 14], although in these works Xn is part of the source, so no augmentationis involved.