E1140 PEEK 美国阿莫科 ******
美国阿莫科PEEK E1140产品介绍:
E1140 PEEK不仅具有质量轻、***、耐腐蚀等 优点,还是目前与***骨骼***接近的材料,可与肌体有机结合,所以用PEEK树脂代替金属制造***骨骼是其在***领域的又一重要应用。国内生产发展快PEEK树脂是20世纪70 年代末由英国原ICI公司开发的,自问世以来,一直被作为一种重要的战略性国防***材料,许多***均限制出口。 目前在消毒柜和无线验证系统上,有时会采用peek,相当不锈钢的***。
美国阿莫科E1140 PEEK特性:
供应 美国苏威 PEEK KT-880 CF30 |
供应 美国壳牌 PEEK DBF1G31-BK |
供应 美国壳牌 PEEK DBGF5G40-YE |
供应 美国阿克苏 PEEK 1105 BK |
供应 美国阿莫科 PEEK E1140 |
美国阿莫科E1140 PEEK详解:
bounds might be found later, although obtaining such bounds appears to be more difficult in this case than for related should be mentioned that the time-sharing variable T is unnecessary;it can be absorbed into the other variables. We h***e included it to ease the
comparison with existing inner and outer bounds, to which we turn lation to Existing Bounds
The coding scheme described in the introduction gives rise to the following inner bound on the rate-distortion finition 3 Let ΓBT denote the set of finite-alphabet random variables