KT-880 CF30 PEEK 美国苏威 ******
美国苏威PEEK KT-880 CF30产品介绍:
KT-880 CF30耐高温好,刚性强度好,注塑成型,易流动,FDA食品接触标准,黑色。主要应用:机械零部件,电气,汽车配件,化工及耐化学性好的工程制品。 食品级,PEEK主要应用:机械零部件,电气,汽车配件,化工及耐化学性好的工程制品。可在250℃下长期使用,与其他耐高温塑料如PI、PPS、PTFE、PPO等相比,使用温度上限高出近50℃;PEEK树脂不仅耐热性比其他耐高温塑料优异,而且具有高强度、高模量、高断裂韧性以及优良的尺寸稳定性; PEEK材料PEEK在高温下能保持较高的强度,它在200℃时的弯曲强度达24MPa左右,在250℃下弯曲强度和压缩强度仍有12~13MPa;PEEK的刚性较大,尺寸稳定性较好,线胀系数较小,非常接近于金属铝材料;
美国苏威PEEK KT-880 CF30特性:
在航天、***、半导体、制药和食品加工业得到非常普遍的应用,如卫XIN上的气体分板仪构件、热交换器刮片;因其优越的摩擦性能,在摩擦应用领域成为理想材料,如套筒轴承、滑动轴承、阀门座、密封圈、泵耐磨环等。 各种生产线用零部件,半导体液晶制造装置零部件,检验装置零部件,制造用治具,原子能关联零部件,电子元件,各种精密机器零部件,食品加工线关联零部件,化学机械设备关联零部件,熔接机器关联零部件,镀金加工机器关联零部件,金属表面处理关联零部件,绝热部件等。
美国苏威PEEK KT-880 CF30详解:
The tran***ission of information over frequency selectivedigital communicati*** channels is subject to intersymbolinterference (ISI). Equalization has proven to be an effectivemeans for removing ISI. The commonly used approach em-ploys a known sequence of training symbols and the equalizercoefficients are then adapted by using some adaptive algorithmso that the output of the equalizer closely matches the trainingsequences by minimizing the mean-squares-error (MMSE)criterion. However, in many high data rate bandlimited dig-ital communicati*** systems, the tran***ission of a trainingsequence results in a significant reduction in the effectivecommunication link data rate. Therefore, instead of using atraining sequence, only some statistical or structural propertiesof the tran***itted and received signal can be exploited in ablind process to adapt the equalizer i.e. blind equalization.One of the simplest and the most effective blind equalizationschemes is the c***tant modulus algorithm (CMA) [1], [2],which uses c***tant modularity as the desired property ofthe output of the receiver. A great deal of research aboutconvergence beh***ior has been reported but a lack of com-prehension about the global convergence of these algorithmshas limited their utilization. Global convergence has beenproven under ideal conditi*** [1], [2], [3], [4] (e.g., noise-freeand doubly infinite equalizer) providing the inverse transferfunction of the channel. However, this assumption can beexcessive and the channel noise must be c***idered in thedesign of the equalizer. Recently, Zenget al.[5] h***e proposedinteresting results on the relashi***hips between blind andWiener receivers in the noisy case. They observe that if aWiener equalizer reaches an acceptable MSE performance,there exists a CM equalizer in its immediate nei***orhoodwhich is approximately a scaled version of the Wiener receiver.