***-750 PEEK 美国苏威 ******
美国苏威PEEK ***-750产品介绍:
美国苏威PEEK ***-750特性:
耐辐照性耐高辐照的能力很强,超过了通用树脂中耐辐照性的聚***。可以作成γ辐照剂量达1100Mrad时仍能保持良好的绝缘能力的高性能 。耐水解性PEEK及其复合材料不受水和高压水蒸气的化学影响,用这种材料作成的制品在高温高压水中连续使用仍可保持优异特性。耐高温韧性好高刚性耐磨自润滑耐腐蚀耐辐射耐剥离耐疲劳防火微烟***耐水解绝缘性电气性好高强度尺寸稳定易加工***逸散性稳定性。
美国苏威PEEK ***-750详解:
here the last term is null whenznis circular,e.g.whenanisa complex-value so thatE{a2n}= 0, leading toE{z2n}= 0.Since symbolsanare assumedi.i.d.and independent of thenoise components, the Kurtosis ofzncan be written as a sumof separate KurtosesK(z) =|sν|4K(a) +K( ̄x) +K(w)(13)When the number of taps of the equalizer is sufficientlylarge, the pdf of the residual interference ̄xnis reasonablywell modeled by a Gaussian distribution. Although the ISIdistribution for a discrete input can never be Gaussian, it iscommonly accepted that the ISI at the output of an MMSEequalizer may be estimate by a Gaussian distribution [6].This assumption is based on the central limit theorem and isdiscussed in section IV. Thus, since the Kurtosis of a Gaussianrandom variable is null, we h***e