***-651 BK PEEK 美国苏威 ******
美国苏威PEEK ***-651 BK产品介绍:
***-651 BK是一种热塑性耐高温特种工程塑料,具有较高的玻璃化转变温度(143℃),负载热变型温度高达316℃,具有耐高温、耐高压、耐腐蚀、耐磨自润滑、高绝缘等特性,成型工艺多样化,可以注塑、模压、挤出,亦可流延、喷涂等。与其他通用工程材料一样,可以与多种其他工程塑料或者无机填料改性,从而达到更高耐磨、强度要求,广泛应用工业泵阀压缩机领域、石油***开采领域、纺织印染机械领域、***器械领域等。
美国苏威PEEK ***-651 BK特性:
美国苏威PEEK ***-651 BK详解:
Channel- equalizer block diagram. The cascade channel-equalizer isknown as the global resp***e.the noise and the residual interference after filtering by theequalizer, respectively. In this paper, our approach differs fromwork on channel deconvolution because we assume that theresidual interference is not null at the equalizer output, ̄xn6= 0.So, the output of the equalizer can be writtenzn=sνan−ν+ ̄xn+wn(11)where the receiver gainsνis defined asCHHeν, andeνdenotes theνth unit row vector (contains only one non zerofor a particular value of delayν). The Kurtosis ofzncan beexpressed by Denote∗superscript as the complex conjugate operator. Inorder to obtain a closed-form for the equalizerC, using thegainsνwe derived the Schwarz inequality which allows us towrite。