LL004C PEEK 基础创新塑料美国(美国液氮)总代理直销
基础创新PEEK LL004C美国液氮产品介绍:
(1)高温性能:PEEK 聚合物和化合物的玻璃化温度通常为 143°C,熔点为 340°C。测试表明,虽然未增强的纯树脂的热变性温度只有160℃(HDT/B),但用玻璃纤维、碳纤维增强后,热变形温度可达315℃,连续使用温度可以达到260℃。
(3)耐化学腐蚀性能:即使在高温下,PEEK 聚合物也能够很好地抵抗大多数的化学环境。在通常环境中,能溶解或破坏它的只有浓硫酸、氢氟酸等强质子酸,耐腐蚀性与镍钢相近。易燃程度、烟尘和毒气排放水平:PEEK聚合物非常稳定,在1.45mm厚度下无需添加任何阻燃剂即可达到UL94 V-0 级阻燃要求。该材料的成分和固有纯度使得其在火灾环境下只产生极少量的烟尘和毒气。
(4)抗水解性能:PEEK 聚合物和化合物可以抵御水或高压蒸汽产生的化学破坏。这些材料制成的构件在高温和高压下可在水环境中连续工作而仍保持良好的机械性能。 PEEK吸水率很小,可以在300℃的加压热水或蒸汽中使用。
基础创新PEEK LL004C美国液氮特性:
基础创新PEEK LL004C美国液氮详解:
ach of the three value disciplines leads to a radically different operatingmodel for the company: the culture, processes, management systems and ITsystems of the company. For instance, while operational excellence calls for highlystandardized business processes, the customer intimacy discipline requires justthe opposite: to meet customer requirements, business processes should be asflexible as possible. Security requirements should be likewise aligned with therequirements imposed upon culture, processes and management systems by thevalue discipline choosen.2.2 Identifying the critical impact factorsWhen security incidents happen, they may lead to damage to itical impact factors (CIFs) are the indicators about what kind of damage thesecurity incidents incur to the organization. They can include those within thecontrol of the organization, as well as some that the organization may not beable to fully control (e.g., legal liability, finance lossesand reputational damage).The identification activity of CIFs is also referred as business impact analysis(BIA): it is important to remark the difference between BIA and risk analysis.