The Tanzania Bureau of Standa*** (TBS) officially confirms requirement of COC in compliance with the new Tanzania-PVOC.
The Executive Director of The Tanzania National Bureau of Standard(TBS) has issued *** with an official confirmation of the implementation and enforcement of the Pre-export Verification of Conformity (PVOC) to Standa*** Programe.
The PVOC programme covers the verification of all regulated Products to be in compliance with the Tanzania and other approved standa*** on the basis of which a Certificate of Conformity (COC) is issued. The programme start date is Dec 31,2011.The COC is needed to ensure Customs clearance of regulated shipments in Tanzania. Obtaining the COC also confirms that the products comply with the relevant Tanzanian technical regulati*** and/or national, regional or international standa***. Failure to present this certificate can result in severe delays in Customs clearance, penalities or even shipments being returned to the country of export.
杭州凯华认证技术服务有限公司***从事热水器/换气扇/皂液机坦桑尼亚COC认证服务,我们将以方便、快捷、周到的服务在短时间内取得证书。欢迎有需求的朋友前来咨询、合作。咨询***:15824128535 网址: ***:1455538706 MSN:kevycer@