Cat. Number |
Chemical Name |
氯化花翠素芦丁糖甙Delphinidin 3-rutinoside
CAS Number |
Mol. Formula |
Mol. Weight |
647,0 g/mol
Qty 1 |
Qty 2 |
Appearance |
The product shall be dark red /purple in colour, and shall normally be powdered.
Application Notes |
Above 97% HPLC
Synonym |
Delphinidin 3-O-β-rutinoside chloride,(2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-2-[5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)chromen-3-yl]oxy-6-[[(2R,3R,4R,5S,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyl-oxan-2-yl]oxymethyl]oxane-3,4,5-triol chloride;Delphinidin 3-O-(6
Storage condition |
< -5°C
References |
Delphinidin 3-O-β-rutinoside is a natural colorant found in blackcurrants and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources (extraction processes). The product will release hydrochloric acid in water. The product is hygroscopic. This product is intended for research in chemical laboratories. Only qualified individuals shall be c***idered treating this product. The purchaser should recognize that the supplier of this product under no circumstances is resp***ible for the applicati*** of the product in the field of human or animal c***umption or tests related to human or animal health. The supplier is not resp***ible for this product as part of drugs, co***etics, food additives, products for domestic use or veterinary products. The purchaser is resp***ible for the use and storage of this product as soon as he receives the product. |
版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072
Pelargonidin products 天竺葵系列产品Above 97% HPLC 1 mg 5mg
天竺葵素-3-氯化葡萄糖苷Pelargonidin 3-glucoside
天竺葵色素Pelargonidin chloride
天竺葵色素双葡萄糖苷 Pelargonidin 3,5-diglucoside
Cyanidin products 矢车菊系列产品Above 97% HPLC 1 mg 5mg
矢车菊素阿拉伯糖苷 Cyanidin 3-arabinoside
矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷 Cyanidin 3-rutinoside chloride
矢车菊素双葡糖苷Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside
Cyanidin 3-coumsamb-5-glucoside
Cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucoside
氯化花青素-3-槐糖苷 Cyanidin 3-sophoroside
氯化花青素-3-桑布双糖苷 Cyanidin 3-sambubioside
Peonidin products 芍药系列产品 1 mg 5mg Above 97% HPLC
氯化芍药素3,5-二葡糖苷 Peonidin 3,5-diglucoside
芍药色素阿拉伯糖苷Peonidin 3-arabinoside
氯化芍药花青素半乳糖苷Peonidin 3-galactoside
Delphinidin products 飞燕草系列产品 Above 97% HPLC 1 mg 5mg
氯化花翠素3-桑布双糖苷Delphinidin 3-sambubioside
氯化花翠素芦丁糖甙Delphinidin 3-rutinoside
飞燕草素葡萄糖苷Delphinidin 3-glucoside
飞燕草素半乳糖苷 Delphinidin 3-galactoside chloride
飞燕草素阿拉伯糖苷 Delphinidin 3-arabinoside
Petunidin products 牵牛花系列产品Above 97% HPLC 1 mg 5mg
氯化矮牵牛素葡萄糖苷Petunidin 3-glucoside
矮牵牛素3-O-半乳糖苷 Petunidin 3-galactoside chloride
矮牵牛素-3-O-阿拉伯糖苷 Petunidin 3-arabinoside chloride
Malvidin products 锦葵系列产品Above 97% HPLC 1 mg 5mg
锦葵花素双葡萄糖苷Malvidin 3,5-diglucoside
氯化锦葵色素3-葡糖苷Malvidin 3-glucoside
上海惠诚生物 特色产品:糖类标准品,脂肪酸标准品,花青素标准品,类胡萝卜素,人乳寡糖等食品分析标准品,咨询电话 021-60498804 13917250134