ELSTER流量计,ELSTER数显表,ELSTER燃气表,ELSTER调压器 Elster是德国大型的仪器仪表制造商,主要产品有机械式流量计,涡轮流量计,超声波流量计,数显表,及燃气调压器等产品系列 Elster - leading the world in metering soluti*** Elster's long lasting success comes from its heritage of innovation and quality. By combining high quality, highly accurate meters with information technology soluti*** and wireless communicati***, Elster is taking metering to the third generation. Our customers benefit by reducing their operating costs, improving their service capabilities and creating new revenue streams, while we will further improve the quality of energy and scarce natural resource usage for c***umers.
上海武田机电有限公司,是***的日本及欧美进口工业产品提供商。在欧洲,美国,日本及韩国拥有良好的渠道与深厚的关系,代理及经营多种品牌工业产品,产品涵盖传动机械,液压机械,流体机械,工业控制及测量工具等系列,产品广泛地应用于钢铁、冶金、石油、风能、环保、汽车、化工、轮胎、造纸、印刷、电力、水力、港口及工业制造行业... |