1、 本机器适用于基材平整度好之MDF、木皮板等各类新型材料之家具、橱柜、装饰板的底漆、面漆涂装。
2、 经本机涂布底漆后平整度好、不挂油、易砂光。
3、 经本机处理后的面漆平整光滑、漆膜丰满、无滚痕、无色差。
4、 采用铸件式设计,换装滚轮方便快捷。
5、 可选配人机界面,精密自动升降,***电箱等全自动化配置。
1. This machine is ***alible to the base、surface paint for the furniture、cabinet、decorative boa***, which different materials as wood、MDF、wood piece and so on.
2. It can ensure the surface of the paint to be ***ooth, with good plumpness, and with no chromatic difference.
3. It is easy to change the roller for the casting design.
4. It can be choose with the PLC, automatical elevator, detachable groove, sepatate electronic box or more automatical choosing outfit.