1、 本生产线专门为家具厂UV涂装定身打造。
2、 使用主机的前胶辊和刮补轮,能充分的填补板材凹进去的毛孔,并将多余的UV腻子刮走回收利用,能完全替代手工填补,大大提高生产效率,减少人工,防止油漆塌陷。
3、 使用主机的两组胶轮,可滚涂修色底、砂光底、修色面、哑光面漆等……
4、 经本机处理后的油漆,表面平整、光滑、饱满度好、无色差。
5、 采用铸件式设计,快拆式胶轮座,换装滚轮方便快捷。
6、 配人机界面、精密自动升降等自动化配置。
7、 省人工、效率高、环保、成本低。
1. This production line is designed for the furniture UV coating.
2. Use the first rubber roller with the filling roller can fully the hole of the veneer, and remove and recycle the excess of UV filler, it can completely replace manual filling, and greatly improve the production efficiency, reducer artificial, also prevent paint collapse.
3. Using the two sets of rubber roller,it can do the coating of color bottom, bottom, color top,and matt top coat,etc.
4. It is ensure the surface of the paint t be ***ooth,with good plumpness, and no chromatic difference.
5. It is easy to change the roller for the casting design.
6. It can be choose with the PLC,automatic up-down,detachable greese groove,sepatate electronic box or more automatical choosing outfit.
7. It can province,high efficiency,environmental protection and low cost.