

所在地区:浙江 杭州



产品编号:5401186                    更新时间:2013-08-07
价格: 来电议定





 言鼎会议服务有限公司,成立于2008年.总部坐落于美丽的杭州西湖湖畔,另在浙江、江苏、安徽、山东、福建、上海等多地设有***。我公司主要经营国际会议中的同声翻译、同传口译及基于博世品牌下的同传设备租赁业务,同时亦可承接会议策划,灯光音响,背景板,投影仪等会议活动。如需滁州同传设备、滁州同声翻译,滁州同传口译或中英同声翻译,中韩同声翻译,中日同声翻译等可拨打咨询电话:15950555126 或 15384020710.期待您的来电,谢谢!
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Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
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A brief introduction of Chu Zhou :
Chu Zhou is a very historical and cultural city.
Back to the ancient, people h***e started to work on this piece of land. Many culture remains from the New Stone Tool Age h***e been found. During the eras of Xia, Shang and Zhou, there spread some tribal kingdoms, such as ZhongLi and Jiao Kingdoms. The “Huai Yi” tribe, after many years of development and fighting, had gradually melted into the Hua Xia civilization.
During the Spring and Autumn era, Chu Zhou area had been involved in the battles among different empires. Chu Zhou area was then occupied by Wu and Chu kingdoms and was so called “Wu Tou Chu Wei”. Afterwa*** the union of all the empires into Qing was followed by the fighting between Chu and Han. There were many tragic stories of Qing and Chu.
During the three-kingdom ear, Chu Zhou had become the fighting field of Wei and Wu. During the “Eight Emperors’ fights” in West Jin Dynasty, the LangYa King SiMa, Rui had once hidden in the MaTou Peak in the southwest of Chu Zhou. Hence the hill was named Lang Ya Mountain.
After three hundred years of wars, in Sui and Tang Dynasty, the city of Chu Zhou was established. In AD 589, the city was named Chu Zhou. The officers Li You Qing, Wei Ying Wu and Li De Yu had all governed Chu Zhou and left a series of antiques and poems over.
In the North Song Dynasty, OuYang, Xiu was degraded and expelled to Chu Zhou and created the well-renowned essay “*** Weng Ting Ji” and “Yong Le Ting Ji”, where he described the natural beauty and local culture in Chu Zhou. Later Su, Shi rewrote the two essays as mottos. Afterwa***, Chu Zhou and Lang Ya Mountain became very famous all over the country. During South Song Period, Chang and Huai Rivers and their nei***orhoods became the front field to fight the Jin Army. The famous general and poet Xin, Qi Ji was governing Chu Zhou. He had been stabilizing people’s living, reducing tax, developing economy and training army. Chu Zhou had hence taken on a new look. Song culture and economic development had imposed important influence on the history of Chu Zhou.
Later in Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuan Zhang, who was born in a very poor peasants’ family in Feng Yang County, had organized an army fighting against Yuan Empire. After more than ten years of battles, he overrode Yuan Dynasty and established Ming Dynasty. Feng Yang Fu had once built up the palace for Zhu Yuan Zhang and Chu Zhou as the capital. Now the remains of Feng Yang royal city and royal tomb had been listed as one of the key protected historical places in our country.



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