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言鼎会务亳州同声传译设备租赁公司是一家以提供同声翻译服务和国际文化交流活动为主的国际文化传播机构,下设***翻译培训中心、同声传译中心、国际文化交流中心、专利翻译服务中心、口译服务中心、笔译处理中心等部门,在英国牛津大学、德国海德堡大学设有欧洲事务分理处,目前纽约、巴黎、东京等地正在筹建立海外分部,主要业务包括同声翻译服务、陪同口译服务、专利文献笔译服务、同声传译培训、国内外文化交流、会议服务等。 言鼎会务亳州***在传统(口译、笔译)翻译行业中的市场份额为33.91%;在同传(同声翻译、同声传译)市场的份额高达57.62%。 言鼎会务的成功营运说明了本公司对市场细分后进行了产业战略调整,我们先后进行了平面广告宣传、多媒体广告投放、搜索引擎推广、市场调研以及大平台优化等强有力的措施。这一切都是为了一个目的,让我们的客户更容易获得言鼎会务提供的***服务! 言鼎会务亳州同声传译设备租赁公司***从事数字会议、同声传译设备租赁/销售、同声传译译员培训/派遣、亳州同声传译市场的调研和数据分析。
Senior Account Manager:洪伟(HongWei)
Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
Thanks for visiting my post.we're willing to work with you.await you for calling. h***e a nice day.
A brief introduction of Bo Zhou :
Bozhou City in North China border, the southern tip of the Huanghuai Plains, attached to Anhui Province. Jin Jianghuai South, the North hope the Yellow River, is the state-level historical and cultural city, China's outstanding tourist city and opening up city. Bozhou City area of 8522.58 square kilometers, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, the city's total population of 5.34 million people. May 2000, the State Council approved a level Bozhou City, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, land area of 8522.58 square kilometers, accounting for the province's total area of 6.08 percent; 601,900 hectares of arable land. The city's population of 5.3002 million, of which 82,000 ethnic minority people. Bozhou across longitude 115 ° 53 '~ 116 ° 49', latitude 32 ° 51 '~ 35 ° 05', about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitat jurisdiction and the Yellow River burst connected to a fan-shaped, lying flat, with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan, double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distribution throughout the Northwest Bozhou topography, natural ground to l/9000 Micro-dumping gradient to the southeast. Because of the river winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, the topography of ups and downs, a "Ohira ***all injustice," the geomorphological features. Temperate climate in the city's southern edge, a Wenrun semi-temperate climate, there are ***iously transitional characteristics, the ***erage temperature 14.7 ℃, the ***erage duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an ***erage of 216 days frost-free period, an ***erage of 822 mm of precipitation. Area rivers are the Huaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on.