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The color tile machinery electrical safety rules color tile machinery electrical safety operation procedures
一、 电工必须熟悉车间的电气线路和电气设备的种类及性能,对电气设备性能未充分了解,禁止冒险作业。
A, electrician must be familiar with the electrical lines and workshop electrical equipment types and performance, the electrical equipment performance do not fully understand, forbid to work atrisk.
二、 电工每日应定期检查电缆、电机、电控制台等设备情况,检查中发现问题,必须及时处理。检查电机温度时,先检查无电后,再以手背试验。
Second, electrician should be regularly check daily cable, motor, electric equipment and so on the c***ole, found in check, must handle in time. Check the motor temperature, first check after withoutelectricity, again with the test.
三、 除临时施工用电或临时采取的措施外,不允许架临时电线,不允许乱挂灯,仪表工具和电焊机等应用安全的开关和插座,原电气线路不得擅自更改。
Three, in addition to temporary c***truction by electricity or temporary measures taken outside, do not allow a temporary wires, don't allow a hanging lamp, tools and electric meter applicati*** suchas the switch and socket safety, the original electrical lines may not change without permission.
四、 部分停电作业,当临近有电体距检修人员0.9米以下者,须用干燥木材橡皮或绝缘材料作可靠的临时遮拦。
Four, part of the power outage homework, when near h***e electricity body from the maintenance staff 0.9 meters, who must use dry wood rubber or insulating materials for reliable temporaryblock.
五、 使用梯子时,梯子与场面之间角度以60度为宜,在水泥场面使用梯子时,要有防滑措施,并要有人扶住梯子。
Five, use ladders, ladder and scenes with 60 degrees between Angle for appropriate, in cement scene when using a ladder, want to h***e the anti-sliding measures, and to someone to hold theladder.
六、 发现设备任何导电部分接地时,在未切断电源前,除抢救触电者,一律不允许靠近,离开周围4米之外,室内离开1.8米,以免受跨步电压损伤。
Six, the equipment is found any conductive part of the ground, in has not cut off power supply before, in addition to rescue the electric shock, all don't allow near, around 4 meters away from,indoor le***e 1.8 meters, step from voltage damage.
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