欧洲食品级测试 1935/2004/EC
a)Plastic material 塑料
Overall migration in deionized water***迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid***迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol***迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Full test of overall migration test***迁移***测试
EU 10/2011新塑料通用指令
Overall migration in 10% ethanol ***迁移之10%酒精测试
Overall migration in 3 % acetic acid ***迁移之3%醋酸测试
Overall migration in 20% ethanol ***迁移之20%酒精测试
Overall migration in 50 % ethanol ***迁移之50%酒精测试
Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (Melamine, PVC,PC, nylon默认替代)***迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物测试
Soluble he***y metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn)***溶出量测试
a1, test if okastic lid and O-ring杯盖内塑料垫片或垫圈(为推荐测试项目)
Toatal phthalates总邻苯
Specific migration of phthalates (3% acid)邻苯特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of phthalates(10% ethanol)邻苯特殊迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Specific migration of phthalates邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代浸取
a2, dyed plastic ,PU and PA 染色的塑料,PU和尼龙
Specific migration of aromatic amine in3% acetic acid 3%醋酸中芳香胺特殊迁移
Toatal phthalates总邻苯
Specific migration of phthalates (3% acid)邻苯特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Specific migration of phthalates(10% ethanol)邻苯特殊迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Specific migration of phthalates邻苯特殊迁移之橄榄油替代浸取
b) Ceramic and Glass 陶瓷玻璃 - 84/500/EEC (2005/31/EC)
Contact with food part - Leachable lead and cadmium 与食品接触部分铅镉溶出量测试
Lid_addtional test leachable lead and cadmium 盖子附加铅镉溶出测试
c) Silicone Rubber硅橡胶-AP (2004)5
Overall migration in deionized water***迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid***迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol***迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test***迁移***测试
d)Melamine 三聚***氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品的要求
Overall migration in deionized water***迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid***迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol***迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test***迁移***测试
Extractable formaldehyde甲醛溶出量测试
Specific Migration of Melamine in 3% acetic acid密胺特殊迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
e)Organic coating 有机涂层 AP(2004)1
Overall migration in deionized water***迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid***迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol***迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test***迁移***测试
f) Rubbe橡胶 AP(2004)4&93/11/EEC
Overall migration in deionized water***迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid***迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol***迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil ***迁移之95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test***迁移***测试
Nitrosamine and Nitrosatable 亚***和亚硝基物质含量
Migration of aromatic amine 芳香胺迁移
g)Paper 纸张 AP(2002)1
Preserving effect 防腐效力*
Extractable He***y Meatal (Pb,Cd,Hg)***释出量(铅,镉,***)
Fluoresc nt ma e 荧光物质(四种模拟物状态)
Extractable Formaldehyde甲醛释出量(选作项目)
i)Meatal , Metal alloy and electroplated金属,合金及电镀
j)Colourants(in plastic material)着色剂 AP(89)1
no visible migration 非可见迁移
Metals and metalloids 金属和非金属成分
Aromatic amines 芳香胺
Sulphonated aromatic amines 硫化芳香胺
Carbon black 炭黑
Polychorinated biphenyls 多氯***
Inorganic cadmium 无机镉染料
Tocicological tests 毒物学测试
我司宁波市盈通检测技术服务有限公司,可提供各***品级测试认证服务,包括:欧盟1935/2004/EC,德国LFGB(LMBG),法国French DGCCRF 2004-64and French Décret no 92-631,美国FDA,意大利D.M.21/03/73 (DMH),日本LAW370,韩国KFDA,瑞士SR 817.023.21,中国GB等。