在气动执行器上装一个气锁阀,无论何时当空气压力下降到低于操作安全点时,它们将执行器与控制装置(***器,电气分配器等)隔离,保证执行器的特殊安全位置。气锁装置主要由一个带设定值校正和大约20千帕差压的气动压力开关所组成,操作一个或多个三通同步换向器( 取决于所需要的功能 )。当空气压力在设定值周围摆动时,差压避免了连续的不合适的换向。空气压力下降到设定值,开关装置立即动作,在空气压力逐渐下降到设定值的情况下也是如此。
AL - Air-Lock
The Air Lock pressure static device AL is mounted on pneumatic actuators when they are to be isolated from control devices positioners, electro-pneumatic distributors, etc. whenever air pressure falls below operating safety point.
The pressure switch device AL has been designed to meet different air-lock systems, to guarantee a specific safety position of actuators, as required by the final control element. The Air-Lock device c***ists mainly in a pneumatic pressure switch with set point calibration. The hysteresis is 20 kPa 15 PSI approximately. This item operates one or more 3-way synchronous commutators, depending on the function required.
Switching device operates immediately, also in case of a gradual air-pressure decrease to the set value. The differential ***oids a continuous, inopportune commutation when air-pressure swings around the set point.