1.JWM型 阀瓣和闸板行星研磨机性能和特点:
● 适用于阀板和阀座密封面的研磨。
● 阀板和阀座密封面研磨运动轨迹,既有公转又有自转,
● 操作灵活轻便,劳动强度低,一人可值守多台设备,生产效率高。
Technical performance and feature
● It's suitable to lap seating surfaces of gate and seat ring.
● A lapping movement of gate and seat ring is either revolution or rotation.
Its surface roughness reaches Ra 0.8 μ and tightness ≥80%
● Easy, simple and reliable operation. A person can operate several lapping
machines with a high efficiency.
2.JWM型 阀瓣和闸板行星研磨机(外观示意图)
JWM type wedge planet lapping machine (outline schematic figure)
1. 磨盘 2. 罩架 3 . 连轴器 4. 减速机 5. 电机 6. 小皮带轮
7. 大皮带轮 8. 大阀瓣挡圈9. 周向挡板 10. 小阀瓣挡圈 11. 电器柜 12. 机架
3.JWM型 主要技术参数及规格
JWM type main technical parameter & specification