The company was founded in 1968 and initially its activity was concentrated in the molding of plastics. In the early 70 production of first self-made molds began as well as the first production of connectors for the field of electrical wiring harnesses. Today Mikropla with 30 years experience in the production of systems for electrical connection, with its agents and its qualified distributors can guarantee quality, price, reliability and face with extreme alertness every market demand.
Mikropla 公司始创于1968年,专注于注塑产品的生产。 自70年***始生产线束类连接器产品以来,Mikropla公司拥有30多年的生产经验,通过和***分销商的紧密配合,来满足市场对产品质量,可靠性以及及时交付等方的要求。