Geislinger Compowind® enhances the reliability of wind turbines
Wind power is at the moment the fastest growing sector of electricity production in the world. The technical standa*** of wind turbine manufacturers are steadily rising.
Conventional drivetrain systems h***e to face particular challenges as static and dynamic distorti*** tran***it bending moments from the rotor to the gearbox and its bearings. These non-torque loads cause excessive, uneven and unpredictable loads to the drivetrain components and affect the reliability and uptime of wind turbines significantly.
Picture 1: Conventional drivetrain
In order to achieve competitive energy cost in particular with multi-megawatt wind turbines, the Geislinger Compowind® coupling has been developed. The Geislinger Compowind® is the first coupling of its kind to enhance the reliability of wind turbines, based on more than 20 years’ experience developing maintenance free and weight-s***ing couplings and shaft lines for demanding marine applicati***.
Picture 2: Drivetrain with Geislinger Compowind®
Installed between the rotor and the gearbox, the Geislinger Compowind® protects the drivetrain through a significant reduction of angular, radial and axial non-torque loads. The weight s***ing design does not add unnecessary mass to the nacelle compared to standard coupling technologies and guarantees low and almost linear restoring forces. Furthermore the advanced fibre reinforced composite membrane coupling is maintenance free as well as resistant to heat, frost, salt water and oil.GEISLINGER
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Picture 3: Geislinger Compowind®
Used on one of the most renowned offshore turbines, the Geislinger Compowind® gives wind turbine producers a competitive lead in the race for weight and service life optimization.