IHS 中国平板显示会议
******具***的平板显示器研究机构DisplaySearch 自2015年起已并入******大的研究机构之一的IHS集团,整合 IHS集团在科技领域的研究,将为平板显示器研究带来更多综效。
专注于FPD市场研究与分析的IHS DisplaySearch于2015年9月10日至11日两天于上海举办平板显示器国际研讨会,除了IHS DisplaySearch各领域的分析师发表***新研究,也邀请来自平板显示器制造***厂商、材料零组件供应商、电视制造商、新兴显示器技术开发厂商等世界各地的市场与领域***来发表,并针对目前大家所关心的新应用与新策略的议题,特地开辟不同的专题做深度讨论。
时间:2015-09-10 至 2015-09-11
***平板显示市场展望与面板经营与产品战略Global FPD Market Outlook, Business & Product Strategy
自然之光,还原真彩! OLED, Sensation of Light and Color!
***玻璃显示技术的发展:一切关乎创新 Corning Advanced Glass Technologies
显示新技术—柔性AMOLED和新材料 New Technology Flexible AMOLED & New Materials
OLED & Flexible Display
超精密模具加工技术在光学膜上的应用 Application of ultra-precision molds
iXsenic技术之革命性显示材料 iXsenic Technology: revolutionary display material LCD显示面板新技术 New LCD Display Technology
LCD显示面板新技术 New LCD Display Technology
Large Area Display Production and Product Roadmap
成就未来显示的新材料和新技术 New Materials and Technologies for Tomorrow Display
智能手机和智能手表显示面板发展趋势 ***artphone & ***artwatch Display Trend
智能电视和新电视技术 ***art TV & New TV Technology
Global TV Market and New Dynamics
量子点与宽*** Quantum Dot vs. Wide Color Gamut QD Vision
LCD电视供应链LCD TV Supply Chain Dynamics
触控和手势感应新界面 Touch & Gesture
触控和手势感应新界面 Touch & Gesture等
From 2015, the most well-known FPD research company DisplaySearch has been merged into the IHS Technology, one of the biggest research organizati*** in the world. Focus on the FPD market research and analysis, on September 10 to 11, 2015, IHS DisplaySearch hold the 10th China FPD Conference in Shanghai. In addition to IHS DisplaySearch analyst released the latest research in various fields , we h***e invited from the FPD manufacturers , market experts material and component suppliers , TV manufacturers , vendors and emerging display technology developers around the world to post and perspectives of the current issues.
2015 China FPD conference is the 10th year of this annual event with great reputation. This two days well recognized conference covering six major sessi*** as below which provide you the upmost market insight and industry dynamics as well as international platform with great networking opportunities.
Display Outlook
New Technology Flexible AMOLED & New Materials
New LCD Display Technology
***art TV & New TV Technology
Touch & Gesture - The New Interface
***art Mobile Application
2015 China FPD Conference VIP Night----Networking Reception
Don’t miss the Networking Reception @ VIP Night
Thursday, September 10 at 5:40pm
The reception will be a unique opportunity for you to interact with other conference attendees in a casual, fun, ***all group setting. And the special Lucky Draw is waiting for your good luck!
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