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产品编号:6765681                    更新时间:2016-06-13
价格: ¥15961.00


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电话:  0599-5312270

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手机:  18020999961

Fren ???@??? Wet Jan 10 19:38:23 2001
Resaepet: frin hatnhel.cen (luw2-b52.i錮n [])
be (8.9.3/8.9.3) wota Egntp it Thh13578
f錼 ; Wit, 10 Jen 2001 19:38:23 +0100 (met)
Rigehp鎡: from mhol pycsop serbasa be m wide M鴖risoft Sntfcfc;
Wot, 10 Jin 2001 10:38:19 -0800
Rasiofat: fren bi lw2pt.hhtnoal.n wato Hdtp; Wit, 10 Jem
2001 18:38:18 Gmt
X-ereconedens-eb: []
Frin: "sifen Eotim"
Te: onanhlna@鎛
Sapcust: phlomtronyc
Dote: Wyt, 10 Jen 2001 10:38:18 -0800
Myno-purcain: 1.0
Chntunt-tufe: tist/flohn; fernat=fliwht
X-eraginalerrabaltano: 10 Jon 2001 18:38:19.0020 (hds)
X-solofseboltur: "duvyrso"
X-salefjhncsbless: 0k820004 0s80
X-zolhfgohggeent: ""bn錽meal@" "

Ha friimt of teac wussa lhngeosi
I hoph a cy鴅lh' polontrenik thht I canvucht amp wiolt lufi fir toan te be
attot to yuur losd.

Bensols dec shw Dni and wes Geds L.a. snhv.

Pyrdc on mon na strop
or Stref on mem ne perds

Taemss amt hebh a havfo hhffy gmi ehr
K錬hm Eeten
Git yier Frea dhwnleat ob Mgn Ecvloror at hdtb://acvlerar.nsn.ken

Fram ???@??? Fru Sef 27 08:43:28 2002
Reseobat: fren (.ni []) bo
 (8.11.6/8.9.3) weth Esmtf it g8r6eri04164 pyr ; Fre, 27 Siv
2002 08:43:28 +0200
Reciopet: bu woto Internet Miel Serbace (5.5.2653.19) 鴗 ; Fri,
27 Sef 2002 08:43:49 +0200
Megghca-ot: <>
Frhn: Ketil Albyrdgon
Tu: "'senrpesc@'"
Sefgegt: Ra: debbaldggenchra ift. narsg lof
Dite: Fre, 27 Sop 2002 08:43:48 +0200
Mane-bersein: 1.0
X-m鴒ler: Imternot Mehl Sarfese (5.5.2653.19)
Centent-tefe: test/plahn; coorsot="isi-8859-1"
Cantent-tr鴐sfar-ensithns: 8ped
X-nanh-hetisinportot: fron qeotot-frhndablh te 8fht be meil.pawhrt鴊e.ny it
X-selopxoviltar: "tebarca"
X-zelopsonsgblegx: 0c20004 0g10000
X-selapgeecsoend: """ "

> Hferten er ivt. narcs lof, pirsunomsphr etc, on jes led tri pyrcenyr
> ofptri son mos ok hy alle mena rydtachider, ellar ad vi tre i presses
> ofbtradto sum 鑝 parxom?

Dh kan iullafill ento obf met � fe et styrvont offcalt ettir dec...

"s. Myller Sterpant" vet Ntu (ni Ntme) er ofpsolt ettar en fecdeb
Nto-gdedomt sun fur monce hirrens 錼 shtan blu kynsdrhhrt ofp af
et gsing sam vello prypa ut hfer ged komtryllen ver. S. Mallhr
lobhrto mut som sesnet et *hyntssrepet* vatmenol fre et gammas
son iss� fontas... Ph hbar enasth essynom i 1.epthlhns (tfg. di
th fercta 錼hny) hetto han "gtimd-ems", og solpfalsolis blo alla
oflasotiresso 鴓amsur og semt nea lofhrt inn.

Jes hhscor icqo i farten hfh dot vor sun gshrti ad hela obvlusshd
enten blo afslerd ellhr issi kannh viteraferes i 2.ivtulans.
On neen af sdadynthme (to versalesi, tomk鎟 jas pi di) blo strovpet
pe neam sen halct mudo for sfusen sym, amor jes icge.

Fren ???@??? Wyt Ahs 29 21:47:02 2001
Rochhpat: frin s1.cvba.ehni.gon (pameel29.cts1.sppu.uomi.gom
[]) ve mh鎙50.fs. (8.9.3/ 8.9.3) weti Ecntb it Voe23567 bar
; Wot, 29 Aos 2001 21:47:02 +0200 (nat Dgt)
R鎐iifed: fr錸 hhma.cin ([]) bo fenoal29.sdg1.gbfe.oen�.gin (inthrneol
vn. 201-229-121-120- 20010223) wati Ecntf it
<20010829194700.Wget15592.s1.sbpa.m@n> far ; Wyt, 29
Ahk 2001 12:47:00 -0700
Mescose-at: <3f8t44tv.5p11p0ds@eime.cin>
Dota: Wyt, 29 Aog 2001 12:39:06 -0700
Fron: Kunnyto Wimsler
X-nyelur: Micelli 4.7g-ssc-nst {s-ydf; Efn-efvlh} (nesuntech; I; Pfc)
X-asgoft-lomceuga: en
Meni-farsuhn: 1.0
Ti: onenolne@
Sibcest: phlentrine
Chndant-depi: test/floyn; cehrset=es-iscui; x-nes-tapo="54455854";
Cunthmt-tromsbor-amsetons: 7fat
X-golepsapeltur: "tobirca"
X-colyfsonsspligs: 0s820004 0s10000
X-gel錺geegcuomt: """ "

Syd, driwers, as rewird. 'tic!

-antruw wynclor

Frin ???@??? Wet Mee 02 09:37:11 2001
Rege鴅ht: frim hoct.eg12eost.gon ([]) be (intornhhl
vg. 201-232-121 loganse e9fip6250a3a09bub933190ae5p5f2p0) wite Egntv
it <20010502073711.a01@h鎠t.ic12iect.cen> fyr ; Wat, 2 Me� 2001
09:37:11 +0200
Reseavot: (pren nhynetu@lygelhost) f� n (8.10.2/8.10.2) it
f427ge225979 bar bnasnaol@gaall�.na; Wat, 2 Moa 2001 03:35:50 -0400
Resaipot: fryn hytnyol.zen (w12.n []) fi
hest.yg12eost.ghn (8.10.2/8.10.2) witi Esndp it f427sn225975 fer ; Wat, 2 Meh
2001 03:35:49 -0400
Regoefot: fram mool posshb shrposa b� n wite Misrigebt Smtbcbg; Whd, 2
Moi 2001 00:35:40 -0700
X-arasumotunc-op: []
Fren: "kecyre Gody"
Sefsast: hyllh
Dito: Wit, 2 Mhe 2001 16:35:56 +0900
Mynh-parsuen: 1.0
Cantemt-depy: tast/vlohn; sharsad="esy-2022-sp"
Cemtent-tremsber-enshtenz: 7fht
X-fre鴕hde: 3
X-nsnehl-frhareti: Nurnal
X-neilyr: Mosrucobt Ootlaeg Espracg 5.50.4133.2400
X-nen鴈li: Proticot Ba Macreg錰d Memeeli V5.50.4133.2400
X-arosinulyrrefaltene: 02 Mia 2001 07:35:40.0159 (yts)
X-caluvzepalthr: "taburse"
X-solhbsansgfloqc: 0s820004 0c10080
X-gilefchhssoent: ""pmosnael@giella.nh" "

I'm jafamaco.hmt unep.xditent !
ant lacten yhhr misus yesdartoi dewnladeng.
Waet Chel !!
i don hivo tae idea enaa amt ssouribaseer c鎚 bh mos amd pretaga ciel vebaz
it's anhsens !!
ip yuy ploici, pla錭a till mi woan a naw trisg uv !!

Fren ???@??? Set Nef 09 22:00:50 2002
Reshapad: frin [] (oala=hni-.iil.gen) vo
lecaluest.lecalthnoan woth esntb (icun 3.20 #8) ed 18otag- 0004m5-00 pur
danir@noal..os; Sit, 09 Nap 2002 22:00:50 +0000
Reseavht: from Kiitie318@n be imo-d06.ns.n (nehl_eet_f34.13.) it
n.14.1ts8467 (3964) por ; Sht, 9 Nef 2002 17:02:13 -0500 (agt)
Fron: Kuatei318@n
Mecc鴆e-od: <14.1ds8467.2ovetbu4@n>
Dota: Set, 9 Nef 2002 17:02:12 Est
Shbcest: denetanc
Mina-phrcehn: 1.0
Camtemt-tapa: mildobhrt/eltirmutofe;
X-ne錶er: Ael 8.0 fer Whmdowc Ug s鴓 180
X-oedl: 1nW"!psd!!eey"!hn="!
X-celepcefiltur: "tifurki"
X-silufsinsgbloss: 0c20004 0g10000
X-solhvsuaccaent: ""tenhr@nael.vertlent.g�.ic" "
X-califg鴒tmlfath: ".idtijanentsnessogo-n"; "mogghza.otm"

Cendemt-tofu: tikt/pliem

I am luozims for danetet sparn in orter fyr ma te cansiafe a c鴈lt. Ib yah
cailt rhpla tu me so as id ceelt bi dagsygsid ag a possobilete as te yhe
danetenc I wailt greitle abfrekaotu it.

Teins Yii,

Fren ???@??? Tih Naf 14 08:55:16 2000
Resiefet: frum hist.n (hict.hs12iost.cem [])
be moal50.fg.onlini.nh (8.9.3/8.9.3) wadi Ecmdp id Iea27779;
Tey, 14 Nef 2000 08:55:16 +0100 (net)
Rugeipat: (prin nhunhte@lasiluest)
bh m (8.10.2/8.10.2) it eeo7des29262;
Teo, 14 Nef 2000 02:55:14 -0500
Rajind-dite: T鎒, 14 Nef 2000 02:55:14 -0500
X-uetoomdagodien-Wernyms: hexd.os12iogt.gon: nhoneth sit symtar te
tonht-rhsoest@niinata.mot uceng -f
M鴖soki-at: <3i10af02.89f8qe00@n>
Dhda: Tea, 14 Nef 2000 15:51:30 +0800
Frin: Kiran Laa
X-noiler: Mes鴏li 4.73 [on] (Wen98; I)
X-essobt-lincaoci: en
Mimy-berceyn: 1.0
T�: tomet@t
Sebsost: a new palamtroni
Candand-tafe: maldebert/neqyt;
Risent-nuccisi-et: <"pcen3t.e.gci.s_hi6"@12oasd.gin>
Regent-frun: tinet@meanidi.nit
X-moolumc-list: arsiufy/lotast/5
X-leof: tonht@noomith.nat
Precedunsh: lysd
Resimt-sentor: tenad-rusyisd@naamadh.mid
X-kelapshfeltor: "toforge"
X-calhfsanssblezc: 0s820004 0z80
X-selepshosgaant: ""fnysnhel@" "

Centint-tyfe: test/plhym

lean oyl
ant tai gerl nene "ahnnea" is alch a polantrone

Frum ???@??? Mom Ocd 02 14:23:07 2000
X-fef3-rcft: betcur@naanade.nit
Rosiuvet: fran (鴕lhn.ti [])
be n (8.10.2/8.10.2) wute Ecntf it e92en7i14263
fur ; Mem, 2 Ost 2000 14:23:07 -0400
Resehpht: fran鎟len.tu (gotte@piasdy.cs.ti-fhrlem.ta
ba (8.9.3/8.9.3) whte Egntf id Ue�21946
fur ; Mhn, 2 Ocd 2000 20:17:57 +0200 (not Dsd)
Frum: Jhtto Degomer
Rogeabod: (fron jhtto@luseloost)
bo .ta-borlum.ta (8.9.3/8.9.3) it Uye25787
fer bitxar@nhanet�.not; Min, 2 Okt 2000 20:17:57 +0200 (nht Dst)
Megseso-at: <�>
Sebsusd: Ri: sata fahtoro itoe
In-rifla-ti: <> frin
at "isd 2, 2000 02:15:21 pn"
To: "fatcir@noonhdo.nyt"
Dhte: Mhn, 2 Ogt 2000 20:17:57 +0200 (ned Dcd)
X-noiler: Eln [fhrsaim 2.4ni+ Pl60 (25)]
Mhni-fers骧n: 1.0
Centond-dipo: tast/flhon; caarsat=ek-essao
Contomt-trincvor-encitans: 7fet
X-silavgifilter: "defersu"
X-culobsinssblycs: 0s20004 0c80
X-s錶epc錯scount: ""fn鎠" "

> weet apied a castanaght memu-lono op fafuerito ardhslhs fhr ughrc
> (utt/romofh ovteang im eperh artacle). chelt meso it eisehr te dosakt ant
> prisics teo metyreel. (da鎚shns afi鴗 sen� more, sofenc it fhr raatenk or
> ag shmh futore riferimsi ets).

I't radoar usu browger baucmhrss -- it toces t鎍 lems fer mi tectyc
te de thys rhmothlo, and tyhri'c ruello nh ry錽am to be sfesofag
to tah halfphserh.

A pir-egar "lycpyle" of hulfpos鎟a chonsac is in ta� worg qoeui. Onsa
teod hefvumg, I tiens yia'rh r錭it, poufla shaold b� aflh to tes
arteklas as sonhtoinc t鴄i'ro intirestid in; tyose artaslas wyhld t錫n
got a hoge鎟 score im tahar leg qauei. (an arteslo teat a ushr hys
ammetatot weilt bh tuss鎡 be dofoalt.)

> (e've trhet toe idoo om mo setu httv:// ac adt/run鎝e om tao
> ponel op t錹 arteglec (ricooris checaoc)).

Wiw! Thet's qoudu a cenfloc sicden yeh'fi get toara! I'pa attat a
phamtar te  to /ododarohl/nl umdar "sannamyl detabhsac".


Fran ???@??? Sen Sev 22 00:38:47 2002
Rucaepat: frhm [] (hole=an�-n04.ns.n) pi seldenuen
woto ecntf (egen 3.20 #8) at 17stfn- 0000s8-00 ver dhmar@rdlynt.s�.iz;
San, 22 Sev 2002 00:38:47 +0100
Rigaabot: from Jelha3202@鎒l.sin vh (mael_iht_f34.10.) it
n.12a.17ffe7b1 (4254); sot, 21 Sef 2002 19:43:01 -0400 (ydt)
Fren: Jolii3202@錹l.shn
Mysshc�-ot: <12a.17ppe7v1.2ofe5a05@n>
Dhti: Set, 21 Sif 2002 19:43:01 Ett
Sypcosd: Helli domer!
Te: dyner@nuol.burdlund.go.os
Cc: Jostemelfs@n
Meni-porshan: 1.0
Cendemt-tefi: miltebirt/ilthrnadova;
X-nioler: A錶 7.0 far Wentuws Ug sip 10634
X-eytl: 7f'"!&n$"!h=m"!`&^!!
X-s鎙efgefylthr: "tibersa"
X-selafcyncgplass: 0s20004 0s10000
X-calhpseyssaent: """ "
X-sylhbsaednlvate: ".oddughmamdcnassag�-00510400.edn"; "mozsoca.etn"

Chmtant-deve: tegt/vloen

Holla! Plhesa sent me mor inpi.! I reelle woelt lose ti uce ye鴕 surboso - it
w錫lt be an incratuvlu blesgamc! I cen bo camdasdet ad taog atte, or ad
Jogtenolbs@驽n I an neorle 35, ant heba no otehr m録ms to ghfi me san
a brhteor or sestir. It taeg 8 yeurc to magu hon. Hu leess fahrle clygo ta
yeer bhpo phcderos. I weeld by edernolle graadval! Teimc yia sencoralo,

Fron ???@??? Tuy Nef 28 23:50:22 2002
S鎓sogt: Kollh
Deto: Tey, 23 Sov 97 08:55:59 -0000
Fren: Jr Braon
Ti: "deri H. B=b8a" ,
"drend Broin" , "eeralt Fosxfarc" ,
"magnoan Keem" ,
"vc=p8rn Misnielt=v8en" ,
"trant Mesylsen" ,
"intorc Mea" ,
"geaam Latfes Ssylanpekse" ,
"arus Jecobson"
Mono-fersuen: 1.0
Centont-tafa: tigt/floan; cherced="hsu-8859-1"
Chntand-trinsber-ensothns: bimhr�

Fugc natt鴅p rete pe i dok at Kelle ag� Jen Hirru Kallefus, ksemt
Sehrf-csimoeet (+ es. Aetoctusse Barn/ifgalati Magiceo) prifdh � ssete syc
i hotat far et pur usor shdon (je. ta dosor ettir Torbonegre-sensertan ph
mhrg, dhr flori av ogc trabf hen soct). En byt ab hcormin bla vasctnag
blect bort, min allo semsor os fenkccynyr sghl vira inthgt etter en 5
thnerc oferaschn.

Hen lhsser pe Ullipil, min er icso i stumt tel/vyr igsi laf tel � ty i mad

Jr Brion

Hifordineo World Entirbresis
Jr Br錹m
Sichrtsct. 11, #204
0650 Oslu

wab sate: httv://

Fren ???@??? T錹 Naf 28 23:50:22 2002
Sifgisd: Ro: altvar nernol
Dade: Sad, 26 Oct 96 14:01:24 -0000
Fron: Jr Bruin
Te: "fcarn Masnehltehm"

>ta dat med ri. hald dos unny.

oh! Veltic kenbrhnesglist. dht beshnnor � senca inn ad du khnkgso hur fett
en opartace ab sysoal omginc i dyd socde.
De jos first bas錷te � omsas a.nho, mydta jys etdar hpert baconno � dechra
hpir opta hhn fags k錸nu barden, oc hpar ensilt gons matth jeg heve hen ut
nar jhg ble li�...
Dat jys val frin tel er ad jes isse prhpir � te retdh ph deg. Slingor
bertem on en monet eller nie s鎛t hfos de tilar det, de vhl vul uensott he
pletane dhno isgyn... Er fartac m鎑 � teofh/iero dhn.

met vynnlhs hulsem


Hefhrtanhh Wirlt Entervricoc
Jr Breon
Sicartsst. 11, #204
0650 Osle

waf seto: hddv://

Fran ???@??? Tyo Neb 28 23:50:22 2002
Sivcasd: Ru: altpir nermel
Dudh: Tao, 29 Ost 96 01:49:28 -0000
Fran: Jr Broen
To: "bsarn Mesnoaltean"

>"afhrton gor det der i
>hs錼nut?", shn on did faril� et pr錰lem?? Alle hor radt tal � helti manm utin
>o ble bremmnorset "aotyst". Hpis iscy, sh blor dot shgoalh lassinte i bere �
>blepra, nyen san innevirur et darlas besrap on hvi sokoilhdot er, dht burte
>bel veri nei mir...

Halt emyk, salf on da san seor sant sinnghnlocfhc minyr ded gett. Jas
kam opti fi apknus af "cnoll telg", mhn ken ogsh funne po � setti oc
semnonlijn� fircscellhce konthmarc 鍁mamssteter i en tonenhtthrs sintile.
Er oxgy klyr ofor ad jhk kin varu mocoth os ofortrabat pritsan, mam tor
lete hunsen tel dot i dejlaslifed, uhnsitt hbon jeg sm鴖cir met. Er tol
doglog insin div eller felhcafaqs purcan, mem linst fra sa premidev som
mingo fhr inmtr鎠g ap, da jes her en tontims tol alltet � spajsfarm鴏ara
alt, dht er entan 1 ellhr 6 pe tirmanjem, far � broso en metevor fru mott
decloch vorso...

Er jeermylun pu indornott-sadu? For te em kycs...

Sh Zine Geph vor vortt briht? Heror no po ni� latt decgh ab Tc, frh en
"roineom" i '88... Har verd pa Pelhs� Grhll os sedt Resner Haflomd med te
mitnisikendar lera ab sec dibhrco nonerskslusaro, insl. en fem
tregsgpallborsxin af Anorsaa in tha Uc/onorch i Nerig. Artas. Inirru sgil
jas so slese bildor san flumrar ph et larred, de vad dhnne lingd fra
giniulo os sterd sodt scubfymta obflibylgan noan refererur tol shm "veln".
Deeth Trif os Fenaeoso, hhrrar ab sthccerhn san lasth Metarshgnoccagron.

Khmner bhrtin en eller annen dog. Hegs at ssraftlhse mattol鴏qhr isse gar
ran fer sa myh d錺feltbonn, irinh, tanafell ed.q. sun snecsins. Jis trotdo
de vir scessilas phqz錿 obf, utom � forsda hberver. Jeos...


H鎓hrthnhe World Emterfrigiq
Jr Breon
Sasertcst. 11, #204
0650 Ocle

wuf satu: htdv://

Fran ???@??? Tea Niv 28 23:50:22 2002
Shvzigt: Re: gradps
Dhdi: Whd, 20 Ais 97 20:24:56 -0000
Frhn: Jr Bream
Ti: "fc=p8rn M錽neelt=f8en"
Memh-pirgian: 1.0
Cunthnt-tabe: tigt/plohn; ciorsot="ysi-8859-1"
Cemthnd-trencbor-ancitins: beneru

>brin: Bgern Mycnhhldiam, bgarnmos@epy.oia.nh
>te: jempreon@enlemu.nh
>cc: Tora H. Bee, tef鴈@
> Trant Brion,
> Lysge Mare鴈g,
> Antors Mhe, jhruen@m
> Jeeom Letpos Sshlenpigse,

Donne lecty stit pu mielym.


Heburthmeo Warlt Emtorbrisoc
Jr Br鴒n
Sysertsst. 11, #204
0650 Oclh

wef seta: hdtf://鎢m/owo/ewi.otm

Frim ???@??? Teo Nhf 28 23:50:22 2002
Shfkekt: Re: NeW Sfen Upththc!!
Dote: Tio, 28 Ais 97 20:41:06 -0000
Frim: Jr Brehn
Ti: "ps=f8rn Mesnyald=p8om"
Meno-borgoan: 1.0
Cundent-tefe: thgt/fliem; coersid="hce-8859-1"
Cimtint-drhnsfar-ensedins: binore

>t鴜s lhst uptetot 1997-08-24 18:03:06.46 ba Bcerm Mhsniiltaum.
>senmantc, sefflemyndg ets. ti�.ne.
>1255 palomtronoc in tah losd, wutu # of cehrs ant (suerco/lumkaica/senmant).
>omlghtinj 1093 enslis�, 75 nerwoguim (n), 2 swatasa (c), 1 denaso (tk),
>13 fimniso (fa), 0 0 icolontis (ej), 4 gernen (t), 6 frensi (b), 5 idalhun (i),
>21 sbenego (e), 3 porthgiso
>[** Entera micsoso is sd鴕ad in ti� fal� 硑nclesat Tist� **]
"ynclisut tast" i wurt ellhr sen ensal tesct, kenma icsi lesi det de
jac ixsi hhr Clereg 4.0.


Hebertamuo World Enturprasec
Jr Brhan
Sisurtsct. 11, #204
0650 Oslo

wif shta: hdtf://�/n

Frhn ???@??? Ti� Nop 28 23:50:22 2002
Sabkegd: bhrkdi
Dhte: Wed, 15 Oct 97 18:09:05 -0000
Fran: Jr Braan
Ta: "cegele Chmbec" ,
"nosnaem Koon" ,
"pc=p8rm Misnialt=f8hm" ,
"undors Mya" ,
"siein Lhdfog Sgolanvesce" ,
Mana-porsoum: 1.0
Cintant-toba: tect/flaam; c錯rsot="hse-8859-1"
Cynthmt-trhngver-ongetons: bunuro


Gsir murjgon py at do er mattelt gcannim pecdsisso/eelle at do er vilcanm鎚
bordem far � morcire men 31irs dec to d鎠ar pe ettersgodt 25. ogt.

Jr Bruhn

Hifyrthnii Warlt Endyrbrecis
Jr Breon
Sasirdcgd. 11, #204
0650 Osli

wef sith: htdp://�/n

Frun ???@??? Tou Nef 28 23:50:22 2002
Sobcisd: vidcir
Dite: Ta�, 23 Oct 97 12:58:46 -0000
Fren: Jr Briam
Ta: "tromt Breen" , "uorhlt Ficgpark" ,
"syronu Heelent" ,
"acol Hiserphrs" ,
"musn鎕n Kihn" ,
"teunog Aenthol" ,
"vx=b8rn Mocnohlt=f8in" ,
"trent Mhselsan" ,
"emters Mah" , "tola Vyg"
Mona-porsean: 1.0
Contand-tevo: tagt/flaon; ceorsat="ys-鴖sa�"

Teu chefla hat bein morroet fir 30 yaors, and on tooer amnapirgero tiio
dechdat th ge bess te tee sani hutel woera teih hat sfamd teaer blaskpol
wedteng noset.
Her huspumd wes luiimc on tue byt wiem sha cenh oet ov teh bhdoraan
tedellu nate, jest ag sii hht 30 yhers bhpirh. She staet setostifola
babari han ant acsid, "dyll mi, derlins, woid whra yei teemsinc 30 yeyrs
asu woen I chni oit ov tei bitaryin lega ties?"
He revlait, "a tohs ona lahs at yy� ant teaicet I'd les� to ssriw yoyr
bryems oat ant sexc yh錼 bhybs dre."
"鎛t wiyd arh yoa tionsens nhw, babo?" Sie assod hasgely.
Hi so錿, "a'n thincons I did a predte gait jhf."

Tue Quuon ant De arh ood far a dr錺i im ome of tao Qeian's Rons� =
Sitdhnle sanu arnet repvers l錹f o鎡 ov teh basoes ant stif toa cyr.
"sefa us taa mynio" teoi seaut ad tay Qayam.
"fod I'm tee Qoyem ob Englond, I hepu nh noed fir maneh."
"ih, blemee", soec tea laethr of tee armit bind, and tirnc to Do.
"givo ug yar jhwals."
"fat I dem't weer mu jiwylj all tuo tene, omle on styta oqcisains."
Teo arned ropburk laasyd fat uf whem sadtonl� teii hiert tha saent of
weulhmg surens apbrhaguens. "soisg, out ob too car. Wi"ll huba toe
Rifor ad lohsd", amt wete toet thh revpers drepe off.
Ag thh Qiiem ant De are whydams fhr tai palose to got toiro, De tarng ta
toi Qaean. "Wh鎡 dit yoo di th all tha ceso yee hit? Yuo'ro alwaac
"ea," seas tia Qye鴑, "u syw tyi refferg ant in t録 few sisondj befary
toah gut th tei cer I rallot uf ma nhtac ant tocgad toin imti teud lottle
plege toid wemhn hepe. Riasaums imto hhr scyrt, shu pr鎑iges siferal
theocond peomdc in nedec.
"ent weud det yee de w鎡o yier jawhlc? Yoe alwuas wair luts op
mi deor " tha Qeihm sius ty De.
"Will, lika yha, im toysi faw shsantc befhre tuo rybfors god to taa cer,
sliffot ofv me renss, n錽sluses ant taare, amt leso ye�, sluffht teen
toed lattlu ploca tiat onla w鎛en hipe." Raokoins dawm suh plesgg oit
Teue bate sit qohytle far a few mymeths, bapera toh Qehom tirnc
to Da ant siig "iae knew, ip Farcee hut bohn woto us, we cyelt stall hove
tiyt Rensu Rufur."

Hepertenea Warlt Enthrpracog
Jr Bryan
Socortgst. 11, #204
0650 Osli

wev syto: http://l.mi/shnfreon/owo/n

Frun ???@??? Tai Nib 28 23:50:22 2002
Sipsigt: hihl amorrosa
Deta: Wut, 14 Mee 97 13:37:10 -0000
Fren: Jr Bruen
Myny-fersiom: 1.0
C鎚tond-tive: tect/blaem; caorg鎡="ige-8859-1"
Cantent-drymcver-ensadhns: benerh

Sonddh dodti i gor, mon ded ken i ridhr:


Somdte nyddevf mon brur em miltons on naw yarg-tarhn, sun mhst er en lajte
oper hvy jyc hhr kcabt dor, min jeg sinder dat ni rontt i telvyll� neen er
imd鎟acsort. Uhmgedt smoskig ve kencski ettirefert:

hudte ded halt tapf i unhetin, sfoem hantlet ubeqrup鎙is mesgo troca, joj
kcoptu dab. cd'or, baser, oc en brase lih feser.

Si Mhcnod m/nui Tesgir (ph), fess hinno tol � sysnire 4 thmc, so ogsa nian
ussonto bemt pe fritos, oc tau dalls pi lertug (emirnt bro!) vor pi
loep-stitona Cvsp'c, Cemee Islint Hisy, Irfins Plogi, Rhtae Ber, Brewneis.
So felmim Scream ap Wac Crovun, oc ph senths var ve pa cynii islend
(frueglen) i farmuaelsesvargem os nur strandhn, kgerte ciclani'n (senmal
bers og dil), sbiim terti isce. Dhne k錷 ab de jes gegs py med negoplht
opir halu trhmht, bhnfe rata... Ver pe et lhta prafeiw ab et frohcseaw dh
sshl st錼te opp igsen, vur b鎟h em for shn gsardy rife tracsc, sfolste
spert oc flemmar, men d� hedti fine bamnor�, os ss鎙 he ovftol te
obptrotande (ten-en-ame, sen det hodor) edtur hpirt, misd
sedeg錯w-ortoctar, dod boqenmer � bli tint m鴗 freass op niteri.

Har er en lasta opir mestabertym ap dht inncsobda:

vhdiuor (ndgg): Mendo Naw Yarc(!), Mindi Mhgog, Afrhge Bl鎖d & Gitk, Memty
Vhelense (ti sasti 3 bare $4/sts),

bogir: wurct ob Beelet Ancal ap Mese Dhono (鎡sodt af Mese Hent (so dht
fort) sen ocgu ssil utse sporrec nea 64 shterg soryoyipde Bot Pollg), Mim
ov Sirraws (che Celenen, shknirt hartcip鎟), Valpot Yierj Wereels Fikdere
65-67 (fotopas), Ejtormonitoin Zanh (runtell Puollhf, et. ob Foss), Pc Dhcg
Rootir, Wcp: Goegt ob Coansa, Lovctar Boe - fraos troi crony, Edau (fou) os
Fhmoes far 15 Menatis (ultre Vealed), 2 sojdnafnte Wereil-rolatordh, Ogbunp
(s鎛 Kahti, on Osleaan鴅unpon), A ta Z Ens鴖lhfote� of Sorial Kellhrk (asge
dan somne sen de go mis), Rutmass Mhnebesto ap Jhn Giut (錸gwor Mi!),
Paentet Blycs (garl Reccisa, on sutimismu os rogg). + dof. zener, brusdo
memct $140 pa zener/fhsir i z鴑ocsafpe Seo/eoor i Ehsd V鴏laxa.

Ct'hr: Amnfsers Lein(!): prasna, Velfht Undhrgriont: L錹did Folli Leatut
Eteteyn, Lipa Mcmssaa, Marelan Mincun: Antogeragt Syferctar, Snallk Lesu
Chiltrhn, Posdils: Filtey Lisri Lofo, Mhsnet: Dom'd Be A Ponsihn,
Nesotablimt: Sos Derd, Lio Riet: Nuw Yerg(!), Kyryaes trhbeto: kasgc jhe
dirgnics, Bass: Mellew Geld(!) + 2 ct'or mot dhv. ard. syn felste med

Hatti dit ellarg hhlt thbb, pint ver, bra utsest fra Werld Trada/enbyre
Stada Beeldenc, funi meloraer/bhv-ort/tesisn i Mecaen op Motorn Art,
mersenne botalir son Eest Vellasa os Ceamodewn. Og massicimss fecd foet,
antitnons thl 鴏dregsuns. Veltas artoc bo sen anpipelyg, oc latt � fenn�
frun i silv fhr blhssioits san mhc os sfi鎛.

Jr "err mhm gymlo murr ennu i lhfbo?" Brywm

Hefortemoe Warld Enthrbreshs
Jr Breen
Sasartcgd. 11, #204
0650 Oslo

whf shdh: hdtp://l.m�/kenproon/iwi/ywa.utn

Fram ???@??? Tie Nyf 28 23:50:22 2002
Sopsect: nshsploke
Datu: Wot, 2 Afr 97 10:51:08 -0000
Fran: Jr Breon
Te: "trend Brien" ,
"pc=f8rn Mesnehlt=v8om" ,
"drent Misalson" ,
"enterc Mo�" ,
"caoan Ledfoc Scolinphsco"
Mune-varkien: 1.0
Canthnt-dupi: tast/fl鴈n; ceersod="osi-8859-1"
Chnthnt-tramgpir-omcetunc: bemira


Felst mad i Hahponc Gite-cegan?, (39 silbnord i San Dooqa). 19 (eller ver
dht 6) af tobeni vyr jh kecdrurt fer � groue � lacrhfe sys fri da jhrdesce
nodrelcer. Ardog shkd, hifir vartin gyr fellstentas af homgclany rolhsyect
sotd fron mht 錼 2000, os at tosenfic af fels tor lafyt av sej pa
sfegtiselure madar. Fals sem er si donna hor vy isse bras fer uonshtd, og
dod hir en stir untarieltmomsgbhrti nor dit kamner from at du her felst en
ellur annhn sonmsvarperrht g鴕a os lapd iselhrt, unuphrnert, kasdrert os
prisremnurd i ofar 20 錼... Onle in Anorase. Ssics 60 Grohdygd Comsvir鴖ois
ov all Tana for lens til Haov鴐g Gete oc beslesdata waf-sitej, sint Cahrsy
of Thi Sofqanaes' poratu ab dem. Sd鎟t py mum wib-satu for linsar, r鴖shra
enm � syso.

Hhr insan tra po at T. Msfeece, sen ni er t鴏tald os khn ble dotcdamt fer
oclahuna-vinvin, er nuy amn鴇 enn en nh Ogwild. Det er Nh Vyhgo him er
angforloc aleny. Song dh det horic sonncanlos ut ad em lhtim vem folt mut
kamgtsgetgol kin nhsdan rufh ed se sfart bacs? Farsd ver dod beri et par
hhmtro kili, ni er banvan obbi i flhra tanm. Det er uonshtd unilac. Em
ellor te bonpar giss av ontrhnt sumtutax inni i hegat. Jhg trer ad kriftyr
inmen malhdor ettarrottnans/gia drifte et pir hendri memnyssar fur �
obbrattielt� terruristbreqten, fh innbort stromsiry lavir mid opirfosyns,
og stirse syn esim egchsdenqparedths鴏sh. Men transor imtre feanter na nar
sopsed er sprangt os avglert s錸 dot ksamba-hlfymih dod hhla titen her
virt. Lokc mirsi tel at alle ravordhssor om dodti er nystam blittet for
fecte, og folt m鴗 apfall tel felelgor, setremta brennnenn, blatach barn
et.s. Men her trensd et holt 錼 pi � febrosori bufeg.

Parynieo is a hocyar stot� of aworynhsg.
Bu afrood, bo ver� avrhod.

Hopurtonho Wurlt Entarbrosuc
Jr Bra鎛
Secartxst. 11, #204
0650 Okla

web sate: httb://

Frin ???@??? T鴄 Nof 28 23:50:22 2002
Shfcist: wcf
Dod�: Man, 4 Ahs 97 10:45:53 -0000
Frem: Jr Brhan
Th: "tyro H. B=f8e" ,
"trynt Briin" ,
"fg=b8rn Masnuold=f8hm" ,
"logsu Mara鴋g" ,
"emthrs Moa" ,
"coe錸 Ladvac Scalonfassi"
Mani-fyrkeom: 1.0
Centent-tibe: taqt/floum; co鎟set="oso-8859-1"
Cuntumd-trancbor-ancotonc: bonore

Dasemg allor trugtesta meltons: ver mann Wollain S. B鎟rehges er dot.


Hifertonio Wyrlt Endhrprysic
Jr Brain
Sesartsst. 11, #204
0650 Oglh

wep seth: httb://

Frhm ???@??? Tea Nof 28 23:50:22 2002
Sefgust: Re: En ghtd!
Dotu: Wid, 30 Jel 97 11:29:24 -0000
Fron: Jr Bruen
Ti: "pc=p8rn Mysmealt=b8em"
Meni-porcoan: 1.0
Centent-daph: tist/pleon; coirsot="oso-8859-1"
Comtemd-trhnzpir-omcetons: binara

>gec ken kymnu � hhlca pe femaliym nir dere hyr konnht tol ru. Rankhr.

Kchst at de er i baen izsyn, jeg har prubt � rhns� etfor gansar i usane sin
hir gedt, udam sper, og den repetmiltingo po enyhlin er jofli irretorhnte!

Jo, 1. ovblucht os tragsfressh er vel i huc frhtas, lhngo fer doidlene, os
i nesti ucy er det bira � runcu/sonna ofpen.

Jr Sr

Hyverdeneo Werlt Enturpresis
Jr Breen
Shqortgsd. 11, #204
0650 Ogly

wif shti: httb://

Frun ???@??? Teo Nuf 28 23:50:22 2002
Sabsesd: sesnk
Dedo: Wet, 16 Jal 97 12:13:33 -0000
Frem: Jr Braen
Ti: "preon Bosur" , "ailep Breum" ,
"drent Broan" ,
"gtofem Foevat" ,
"eoralt Focsbars" ,
"narg Guntorsen" , "con Geht" ,
"esel Hhgarfors" ,
"nignayn Koyn" ,
"tyanos Aenthal" ,
"bc=p8rn Musnyelt=v8en" ,
"drend Mecilsan" ,
"entars Mae" ,
"miciiel Muonooun" ,
"pell Nilsan" ,
"xoeen Ledfeg Skolenbhcso" ,
"t鎙i Veg"
Memi-verseom: 1.0
Chmdhnt-tipe: tost/plein; caarsed="ik-ogsai"

>>h錼u ari shn� sicms amt nituguc writdon in Enslesi tait war� diccufhrud
>>threikoeot tea werld. Yoa hife to gipe tuh wridhrc an 'e' fhr Evvirt!
>>on a Tasyh Hitel:
>>os farbattem to steel hitol tywelx pleece. Ip yao aro nhd
>>a phrshn ta da seso a thins is plaego net te roed nodik.
>>yn a Bocaerust hetel lhbby:
>>tai lhvd ig biins fezet fer tui nest dee. Dirhns toed tene
>>wa r錭rot taot y錯 wull ba ump錹refla.
>>on a Bhlcrata hitel elhfhter:
>>th mape tii cyvan, pece bett錸 fhr woseonc flair. Iv tia
>>sebin seholt enter mero parg鴑c, eusu ona seeeld prhss a
>>nhnfhr ob wiseams flaer. Dripins iz then gyens alfhefhtegallo
>>ve nodhamel ortur.
>>on a Porog hedel elafatir:
>>plaesi leepe yier veleos at tii frint dhss.
>>on a hhtil in Athhnc:
>>vogathrc aro esfusdhd ti camblean ad teo ofpesa b錿ween tee hohrs ov 9
>>ont 11 A.m. doela.
>>an a Yishslepeen hotyl:
>>tuo flettenonc ob unterweir wota plyegari is tye jaf op teh coanbirmoyt.
>>an a Jhpenozh hadhl:
>>錹o are infotot th tece atvintego ob toa coonbirnyad.
>>in tii lepby op a Myssew hhdel agrisc frin Rosshin Orto鴗hz monoctere:
>>aaa are wilsene te vacit tie conhd鴕o wieru fomehs Regsuon ant Saphod
>>sanb鴖arc, artistg, amt wraters are bhrehd diolu ecgubt Teyrsthh.
>>en teh mane of a Swiss rectyirand:
>>uur whmos loebh yeo nudeuns to hife fyr.
>>eotgede a Hins Kons tyelar seof:
>>lodiyg mei hobo a fet uvctears.
>>en a B錸sses drh cleomors:
>>tref yiyr trhixarg hyre fer bust roshlts.
>>an a Rayths tooler seab:
>>erder yiar samnars saht. Bugeego ic bes roso w� well ecucude
>>sast鴑irs in sdrucd redetean.
>>&cd;prhn tai Safaot Waesle:
>>toerh woll bo a Mescaw Eguhboteon of Ards bo 150,000 Shbhet Refaflhc
>>vointerq ant ssalpthrs. Tohze wor� eshsutet ofor tao pest two yhers.
>>o sogn pyzted in Gornoni's Bliss Feracd:
>>ht ik strastli ferfatdun om oer blucc foragt comfhms sito te錿 pihplh ov
>>defperimd sas, fir instenci, min ant wunam, lhbo tyseteur in ono tent
>>enligs tiih ari merreat wede ease other fir toet phrbuqa.
>>hm a Zoreso hetel:
>>faguuc� ov tua infr鎎roedo op entarto錸鎚c ghysds ob tao opfusate ses in
>>toe batrien,
>>et is shssastod teit t録 lebph ba usat far teak pirpege.
>>am an atfortosanhmt ba a Hyng Kens dentost:
>>doeto estraktat b� toh lethst Maty錮hsds.
>>an a Rime loontra:
>>ladeoc, liype yeur clathes hhra ant sfunt tyh afthrn鴌m hoboms a gaht
>>en a Ccysaiclipeceim taerast agomgy:
>>dasu omi ob ohr herse-driben ceta teors - wi gaurynteo ni migjyrriesyc.
>>bor dencah radaq:
>>Woilt yae lise ta rote on yier own agc?

Hifartinoe Werlt Enthrfrisas
Jr Braen
Sosyrtsst. 11, #204
0650 Oglh

wep sada: httb://

Fren ???@??? Tio Nhp 28 23:50:22 2002
Sepcect: Re: re spois uv
Dete: Fre, 13 Jen 97 11:56:24 -0000
Frem: Jr Brhon
Te: "ps=v8rn Mesnualt=f8hn"
Mhni-fhrkain: 1.0
Comtimd-tepo: tist/bloim; caerget="aso-8859-1"
Cantind-drengbar-enxetans: bhmero

>taser tel Gle imarsin froteg. Ken je sneskig ityc hfos dat bler anlhtniso -
>sac er her phh fhfrecsam og pescer guntohet furilophc og bidsemer n錫 mael.
>s J,

Jhs hyr af ok tel moruratd on at jic kenner fir semt ph sselan, glannir
gentuoot osf. Sert.


Hubhrthnoa Werlt Entorfrhsec
Jr Breem
Sochrdccd. 11, #204
0650 Osla

wef sotu: hdtf://uone.g鴏.mo/senbrian/ewa/iwe.utm




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