设备叙述 Description 1.移载方式为伺服驱动,滑动顺畅,板件***准确. Transport via a servo drive to make sliding unit run ***oothly and precision position. 2.具备二段式整板装置,拍薄板不会发生拱起现象. Alignment device arranges panel via 2 speeds not to cause bends when arranging thin panels. 3.以12只吸盤吸取板件,配合抖动汽缸减少二片板件投出,且吸盤调整间易,可同步或各別调整. 12 suction pads suck panels with shaking movement to decrease double panels outlet Suction pads can be adjusted easily together or respectivly. 4.具夹纸与不夹纸切换功能 Equipped with the function to select paper interle***ing or not.
适用制程 Process line 內层压膜机,內层***机,內层滚轮涂布机,AOI,显影蚀刻.去膜,Bondfilm,棕化线等 I/L Laminator, I/L Exposure machine, I/L Roller coater, AOI,DES Bondfilm,Brown oxide etc.
设备名称:KP-L/U501A水平式夹纸收放板机 Name of Model: KP-L/U501ABoxloader Loader /Unloader with Paper Interle***ing 设备规格 Specificati*** KP-L/U501A 长度 Length: 2250mm 宽度 Width : 1000mm 高度 Height: 1800mm 工作高度 Working Height: 900&plu***n;50mm 板件尺寸 Panel Size: 560x610mm 板件厚度 Panel Thickness: 0.075~3.2mm 纸張尺寸 Paper Size: 570x680 mm 电源 Power Supply: 1Ph 220V 50Hz 0.3Kw 气源 Pneumatics: 0.6 Mpa 300Nl/min 产速 Capacity: 8 Pcs/min
选配件 Option 板件*** 中心上顶 centering 中心上顶 centering Panel Alignment 序列 Arranging 輸送型式 Conveyor Type: 滚轮式 滚轮式 两片检知: 接触式 Contact |