

所在地区:上海 上海



产品编号:7051417                    更新时间:2016-12-07
价格: 来电议定


  • 主营业务:时代壳生态墙面系统stucco灰泥涂料美国TEPWALL公司...
  • 公司官网
  • 公司地址:上海市浦东新区东方工业园


马经理 17717928678




    ● 4零环保标准:甲醛E0、零VOC(挥发性有机化合物)、零苯系物()、零***(镉 铬 ***),真正水溶性涂料,绿色环保; ● 防水、防潮、防霉、防腐、可水洗泡沫清洗,单向透气,经久如新; ● 外墙20年不变色不开裂不脱落不起泡,内墙与建筑物同寿命,墙体不坏,STUCCO就不坏

    品牌: STUCCO灰泥
  • 颜色分类: 其它颜色 乳白色 白色 米白色

品牌: STUCCO灰泥涂料

******的生态墙面工程方案供应商-美国TEP WALL INC.荣誉出品,广泛应用于建筑物内墙、外墙、天花、卫生间、厨房间、地下室、旧房改造、新城镇新农村建设、各类公共工程隐秘工程、***无菌房、高架、桥梁、地铁等项目。

温 馨 提 示:

1、本品为中***产品 请了解清楚后再拍,擅拍不理;


3、不同砂型,厚薄、粗细、表面效果、用途、施工、价格 均不一;

4、施工不难,有经验的油漆工均可施工,详情请看 。


我司为中国区用户 免费提供样板,供用户 实物挑选砂型和颜色

***样板(约15块) + 色扇(N多颜色) + 彩页 + LOGO袋 押金300元



  橡胶涂层109#   精细砂101#   粗砂103#  


美国原装5加仑/ 65/桶(约30多公斤/桶)

涂布面积30平米/ 备注:加水量越多、出气量越大、喷嘴越小、就喷的越细腻越平整,反之相反

基面要求结实牢固,但基面不平,STUCCO做好也不平,故内墙一般用外墙腻子补平外墙可直接做在水 泥、水泥砂浆、原旧墙油漆涂料、瓷砖、石头上面。施工详情请看

涂料施工喷涂√ 滚涂√ 批刮√ 刷涂√ (喷涂***简单方便)


广 泛 的 用 途

1、建筑物内墙:大厅、餐厅、过道、楼梯、卧室、小孩房、书房、卫生间、厨房间、影音室(吸音,立体声效果更好)、地下室(防水防潮防霉防腐)、天花、走廊、背景墙、公共区域、阳光房、***无菌房 等;



清 洁 与 维 护



施 工 步 骤
联 系 方 式

上海市-静安区 新闸路 丽都新贵8楼1-8号 江苏省南京市栖霞区紫东路1号紫东国际创意园F2-202室
电 话:8625-8446 8740 8625-8656 0082转
传 真:8625-8446 8740
手 机:17717928678 马先生


Modern stucco[edit]
Modern stucco is used as an exterior cement plaster wall covering. It is usually a mix of sand, Portland cement, lime and water, but may also c***ist of a proprietary mix of additives including fibers and synthetic acrylics that add strength and flexibility.[3] Modern synthetic stucco can be applied as one base layer and a finish layer, which is thinner and faster to apply, compared to the traditional application of three-coat stucco.

Applying stucco.
As with any cement-based material, stucco must be reinforced to resist movement cracking. Plastic or wire mesh lath, attached with nails or screws to the structural framing, is embedded into the base coat to provide stiffening for the stucco. One method often used to help conceal the ***aller surface cracks that may appear is the application of one of a variety of pre-mixed acrylic finishes. Flexible acrylic finishes h***e the ability to stretch and bridge over cracks, improving appearance and limiting the passage of moisture behind the stucco.

Where stucco is to be applied to a structure of wood-framing or light-gauge steel framing, the framing is protected from moisture damage by applying a cement based primer, or a vapor-permeable, water-resistant weather barrier; typically an asphalt-saturated paper or one of a variety of manufactured plastic-based sheets, known as "building wraps" or "stucco wraps". The properties of the weather barrier must not only protect the framing from rain and moisture, but at the same time allow the free passage of any water vapor generated inside the building to escape through the wall.

A wall finished with a stucco overlay.
A wide variety of stucco accessories, such as weep screeds, control and expansion joints, corner-aids and architectural reveals are sometimes also incorporated into the lath. Wire lath is used to give the plaster something to attach to and to add strength. Types include expanded-metal lath, woven-wire lath, and welded-wire lath.

The first layer of plaster is called a "scratch coat," c***isting of plastic cement and sand. A trowel is used to scratch the surface horizontally or in a cri***ross pattern to provide a key for the second layer. A brush is not used because it will cause delamination. The first coat is allowed to dry (cure) before the second layer is applied.

The next layer is called the "brown coat" or leveling coat. It also c***ists of sand, cement, and lime. It is leveled with tools called "darbies", "rods", and "feathereges", scraped ***ooth, and floated to provide a ***ooth, even surface onto which the finish coat is applied. It is then allowed to dry (cure) for 7–10 days minimum to allow "checking" (shrinkage) and cracking to take place.

If applied during very dry weather, the layers of stucco are sprayed with water for one or more days to keep a level of moisture within the stucco while it cures, a process known as "moist curing." If the stucco dries too soon, the chemical hardening ("hydration") will be incomplete, resulting in a weaker and brittler stucco.

The final, exterior layer is the "finish coat", of which there are two recommended types:

Acrylic Finish, an acrylic-based finish from 1 to 4 mm (0.039 to 0.157 in) thick. It can be applied in many ways and can be ordered in any color.
Color Coat, a colored sand, cement, and lime mixed finish typically 3 mm (0.12 in) thick. It is applied over the second coat (brown coat) and can be floated with water for a sandy finish or textured over with a trowel to create various styles of finishes. Premixed, bagged stucco is gaining in use and is ***ailable in coarse graded sand and finer graded sand for creating a variety of troweled finishes; it is ***ailable in a variety of colors.
Hard Coating is another method of adding a finish to the stucco wall, although no longer recommended. In the 1960s and 1970s people added a variety of materials like glass chunks, stones, or marble into the wet stucco wall. This kind of finish coat is very he***y and inflexible, and is hard to repair.


时代壳墙面系统(南京)有限公司电话:021-57810003传真:021-57810003联系人:马经理 17717928678


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