Introspect I3C Analyzer/Exerciser-深圳市锐测电子***代理
I3C Test and Debug Module
Versatile Tool for Exercising, Analyzing, and Programming Sensor Interfaces
Containing three instruments in one, this tool can act as a protocol exerciser for testing and debugging I3C sl***e or master devices. It can also act as a complete protocol analyzer with fine-resolution timing analysis and a full suite of conformance test capability. Finally, it contains a deep vector memory, which allows it to be used as a general purpose I3C device programmer. All three categories of instrumentation features are accessible simultaneously and in real-time using the award winning Introspect ESP Software.
该工具集三种仪器于一体,可以作为I3C从设备或主设备的协议执行器进行测试和调试。它还可以作为一个完整的协议分析器,具有***的定时分析和完整的一致性测试功能。***后,它包含一个深矢量存储器,这使得它可以作为一个通用的I3C设备程序员使用。使用获奖的Introspect ESP软件,可以同时实时访问所有这三类仪表特性。
K E Y B E N E F I T S :
• Complete debugging: simultaneous protocol exercising and analysis enables complete debugging of individual sensor/controller devices or entire multi-device systems
• Flexible: solution featuring I3C and I3C Basic protocol support with real-time voltage and timing controls
• Automated: scripting capability ideal for debug tasks, verification and full‐fledged production screening of devices and system boa***