1. 简洁方便:一台电脑,一个数据采集盒就能满足数据的采集和记录。
2. 适应性广:4~20mA,0~3.3VDC,0.5~4.5VDC和0~5VDC等多种信号;
3. 组合自由:可按客户要求随机配置压力变送器等客户需要的变送器,也可采用客户现场原有变送器。客户也可以仅仅采购采集卡和软件,电脑自己选配。
4. 软件智能:软件自动生成数据报表,报表格式及内容用户可根据需要自定义。
Multipurpose computer recorder (meet kinds of data acquisition requirement)
- Simple and convenient:one computer, one data acquisition box and two data lines meet acquisition requirement.
2. Wide adaptability:4~20mA,0~3.3VDC,0.5~4.5VDC and 0~5VDC or other signals.
3. Free combination: kinds of tran***itters can be supplied according costumer’s requirement. And it is OK to use costumer’s tran***itter but suitable data acquisition box should be purchased. Data acquisition box and software can be sailed separately, and computer is selected by costumer.
4. Intelligent software: reports are made automatically, and the format and content of the report can be customized.