乙丙橡胶绝缘铜丝编织屏蔽聚氨酯护套电动汽车传导充电系统用电缆 |
In the choice of cable according to their own use of the site to choose the cable, do not covet cheap. Thought that the price of the cable can be guaranteed is the national standard, nine out of ten are all playing the edge ball. Flicker is not professional do not understand the industry users. In order to enable users to more clearly understand the quality standa*** of cable and wire and the distinction between the national standard and non-standard. Below we combined with the actual situation of engineering users and cable industry often encountered, so that we do a simple understanding.
Cables and wires are commonly used in engineering and c***truction projects, mainly in the presence of these 3 cables:
1、 国标线缆:根据***出台的相关线缆标准的技术所生产的线缆简称国际线。
1, GB cable: according to the relevant national cable standa*** issued by the technology of the cable production line.
2、 行标线缆:根据行业标准,主要是有较少的偷工减料,但不影响大的使用性能。
2, line standard cable: according to industry standa***, there are fewer Jerry, but does not affect the use of large performance.
3、 非标线缆:为适应市需求应孕而生的产品。 如今,电线电缆的应用越来越广泛,随之,市场上销售的电线电缆种类也越来越多。
3, non-standard cable: in order to adapt to the needs of the market should be pregnant products. Today, the application of wire and cable is more and more widely, with the sales of wire and cable types are also increasing.
So, how to distinguish between the wire and cable "GB" and "non-standard"?
Suggest you look, two, three, four, five more than the price of weighing at six copper, quality inspection, we see the outcome.
A look at: to see whether the wire and cable products quality system certification, see whether the certificate is standardized, see if there is no factory name, site, inspection chapter, production date, see whether printed on the wire trademark, specificati***, voltage, etc.. Also look at the cross section of the copper wire, copper products superior color bright, soft color, otherwise it is defective.
Two test: a wire can be used to bend the hands repeatedly, usually soft, good anti fatigue strength, plastic or rubber handle elastic and no cracks on the wire insulator, is a superior product.
Three weight: good quality wire and cable, the general weight of each 100m within the specified weight range. As the cross-sectional area of the 1.5mm2 is commonly used plastic insulated single stranded copper core, each 100m weight is 1.8-1.9kg; 2.5mm2 plastic insulated single strand copper wire, each 100m weight is 3-3.1kg; 4.0mm2 plastic insulated single strand copper wire, each 100m weight is 4.4-4.6kg. The poor quality of the wire is not enough weight, or length is not enough, or wire copper core impurities too much. If the cable, especially the cable size, weight of soil solution is the most easiest way to reflect the amount of copper cable is standard and whether the conductor cross section index, there are ***all secti*** of cable stolen copper, if copper cable after weighing not up to the regulati*** of the state permitted error the weight range, can be identified as non standard.
Four than the price: due to the low cost of production of fake and shoddy wire, therefore, traders in the sale, often in the guise of cheap sales, people fooled. Therefore, when buying, be careful, do not be advertised for the business, cheap, rushed to the head, and ultimately deceived. Five see copper. Qualified copper core wire copper core should be purple, shiny, soft feel.
五看铜材质: ***的铜芯线铜芯为紫黑色、偏黄或偏白,杂质多,机械强度差,韧性不佳,稍用力即会折断,而且电线内常有断线现象。检查时,你只要把电线一头剥开一段儿,然后用一张白纸在铜芯上稍微搓一下,如果白纸上有黑色物质,说明铜芯里杂质比较多,即可认定为"非标"电线电缆。EV-E90UPU充电桩电缆
Five look at the copper material: copper core of the copper core is purple black, yellow or white, impurities, mechanical strength, toughness is not good, a little force that will break, and the wire is often broken. Check, if you put a piece of wire head off, and then use a piece of paper in the copper core slightly rub, if there is a black white matter, indicating more impurities in the copper core, can be identified as "non-standard" wire and cable.
Six quality inspection: in the case of cable quality differences, can be sent to the third party testing agencies to detect. Based on the authority of the test report is qualified.