热塑性弹性体绝缘铜丝编织屏蔽热塑性弹性体护套电动汽车传导充电系统用电缆 |
Power cable through a certain load current, it will heat, with the load current increases, the higher the surface temperature of the cable, if not handled in time, the c***equences can be imagined. Such as: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cable, is the core temperature of 70 degrees for the upper limit, the surface temperature will be low to 5 ~ 10 degrees. Therefore, the cable surface temperature of 60 degrees below the basic security, from the power maintenance c***iderati***, of course, the lower the temperature the better.
电缆在运行中发热原因如下: EV-SSPS充电桩电缆
The reas*** for the heating of the cable are as follows:
1, the cable conductor resistance does not meet the requirements, resulting in the operation of the cable fever.
2、电缆选择型不当,造成使用的电缆的导体截面过小,运行中产生过载现象,长时间使用后,电缆的发热和散热不平衡造成产***热现象。 EV-SSPS充电桩电缆
2, cable selection is not appropriate, resulting in the use of the cable conductor section is too ***all, resulting in overload phenomenon, after a long period of use, the cable heat and heat imbalance caused by heat.
3、电缆安装时排列过于密集,通风散热效果不好,或电缆靠近其他热源太近,影响了电缆的正常散热,也有可能造成电缆在运行中产***热现象。 EV-SSPS充电桩电缆
3, the arrangement of the cable is too dense, ventilation cooling effect is not good, or the cable is too close to other heat sources, affecting the normal heat dissipation of the cable, but also may cause the cable to produce heat in operation.
4, the joint manufacturing technology is not good, crimping is not tight, resulting in joint contact resistance is too large, it will cause the cable heating phenomenon.
5, the cable interphase insulation performance is not good, resulting in insulation resistance is ***all, the operation will produce heat.
6, armored cable partial sheath damage, after the water to the insulation performance caused by the slow destruction, resulting in the gradual reduction of insulation resistance, will also cause the cable running a fever.
After the heating phenomenon of the cable, if the cause is not found out in time, the cable will continue to run continuously, and the insulation thermal breakdown will occur. The occurrence of interphase short circuit tripping phenomenon, serious fire may cause.