EV-S90S90PU |
热塑性弹性体绝缘铜丝编织屏蔽聚氨酯护套电动汽车传导充电系统用电缆 |
Since people began to find the use of electricity, wires and cables h***e become the main carrier of power tran***ission. Whether it is electrical equipment, lighting or household appliances can not be separated from all aspects of wire and cable. Although it is only a supporting industry, but it occupies more than half of the electrical industry market. The quality of wire and cable will directly affect the quality of the project and the safety of the people, but also affect the development prospects of the cable.
Wire and cable in the process of running, there will always be such an accident, especially the use of non-standard wire and cable case. When the cable is running, the two phase (and multi-phase) grounding or interphase short-circuit fault, most of which cause the system trip, which is commonly known as the phenomenon of blasting. Let us talk about the following, resulting in "cable blasting" the main factors which?
1, the cable internal three-phase line between the short-circuit fault occurs, or one of the cable sheath short-circuit fault, will produce a very large amount of heat, so that the failure of the burst.
2、比如绝缘层内颗粒、杂质、气泡之类,或者是有外部机械损伤。 EV-S90S90PU充电系统用电缆
2, such as the insulation layer of particles, impurities, bubbles, or external mechanical damage.
3, check whether the cable is too bent cable damage.
4, the bending radius is too ***all, mechanical damage, DC resistance test ion release is not enough, rated current overload. EV-S90S90PU充电系统用电缆
电缆放炮都是在运行中发生的,会造成系统突然跳闸,这对生产极其的不利。我们认为电缆系统如果经常出现放炮故障,说明电缆线路的施工、运行、维护和管理等环节中存在较大的问题,应引起足够的重视,在抢修工作完成以后,应当认真查找原因并加以消除,避免再次发生放炮事故。 EV-S90S90PU充电系统用电缆
The blasting of the cable is in operation, which will cause the system to trip suddenly, which is extremely harmful to the production. We believe that if the cable system often blasting fault, there is a big problem that link cable line c***truction, operation, maintenance and management, should cause enough attention, after the repair work is completed, should seriously find out the reas*** and to eliminate, ***oid blasting accidents happen again.