滑雪镜出口欧洲需要满足欧盟的PPE(个人防护设备指令)及EN 174标准。
EN 174:2001基本测试项目
- Materials and finish 材料品质和外观
- Ventilation 通风
- Vision of Area 视野
- Optical power 光学度数
- Tran***ittance 透射比
- Diffusion of light 散射光
- Resistance to ultr***iolet radiation 抗UV辐射
- Mechanical strength 机械强度
- Protection against water and snow 防水和防雪
- Resistance to ignition 阻燃
- Suitability for cleaning and care 清洁和护理适用性
- Marking and information 资料和标签