3M Novec 7200 Engineered Fluid, ethoxy-nonafluorobutane (***F9OC2H5), is a clear, color? less and low-odor fluid intended to replace ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), compounds with high global warming potential (GWP) and chlorinated materials in many applicati***. Its physical properties are compared with several other ODS replacement fluid candidates in Tables 1 and 2.
This proprietary fluid has zero ozone depletion potential and other f***orable environmental properties (see Table 2). It is low in toxicity, with a time-weighted ***erage exposure guideline of 200 ppm (eight hour ***erage).
Novec 7200 fluid has a higher boiling point than most CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs, reducing evaporative losses. The low surface tension and low viscosity of Novec 7200 fluid make it ideal for use in vapor degreasing and cold cleaning applicati***. In addition, its chemical and thermal stability, nonflammability and low toxicity make it useful for other industrial applicati*** such as specialty solvent and heat transfer applicati*** (see below).
※Cleaning and rinsing agent清洗剂或者漂洗溶剂
He***y-duty cleaning (co-solvent) –
he***y oils, greases, fluxes
Medium-duty cleaning (azeotrope)–
oils, greases, waxes
Light-duty cleaning (neat)–
particulates, fluorolubes, light oils,
※Lubricant carrier润滑剂稀释剂
※Spot-free water drying agent脱水剂
(with surfactants added)
※Specialty solvents, dispersion media, reaction media特殊溶剂,分散剂或则反应媒质
※Spray contact cleaner喷雾罐溶剂或者推进剂
※CFC, HCFC, HFC and PFC replacement替代CFC,HCFC及PFC等对臭氧有破坏或者温室效应大的溶剂
※Dielectric test media介电测试液
※Heat transfer导热液
- 全氟液体一样,如果将氟塑料或者橡胶过长时间浸泡,其也会被吸收!