德国LIK莱克品牌进口气动式夹管阀的结构简单,是极为经济的和理想的截止阀解决方案, 因为操纵气动式夹管阀无需另外的传动装置, 只需要一个二位三通电磁阀或者先导阀即可操纵气动式夹管阀 。
夹管阀符合 PED(97/23/EC)认证标准
Pinch Valves as shut-off Valves
Due to its simple structure,air operated pinch valve represents a particularly low cost/economic shut-off valve solution, because a separate drive is not required for actuating them.
ln fact, only a 3/2-way solenoid valve or pilot valve is needed to control them.
Pinch Valves comply with PED(97/23/EC)
Air operated Pinch Valves- Flange connection
法兰结构/ Flange variati***:
材料/ materials
阀体/ Body:
aluminium, stainless steel, steel (DN 250)
法兰/ Flanges:
鋁合金, 帯不锈钢/钢材套管的铸铝, 鋁内螺紋, 鋁合金带法兰衬套,钢材(D1、1250)
aluminium(alu), alu with stainless steel/steel, alu with internal thread, alu with flange sleeve, steel
容积=衬套关闭时搾制介质容积/Volume= Control volume with closed sleeve
法兰連接符合DIN PN10标准. ANSI标准请和我们洽询/Flangeconnection pursuant to DIN PN 10.ANSl on request.
……空气接头标准采用G1/4至150mm,DN200-3/8,DN250-1/2/Airconneoti***tanda***1/4until DN150mm, DN200-3/8, DN250-1/2.
……法兰衬套密封加大I,尺寸(DN40- 100) /Flangesleeve sealing increases the Dimension L(DN40- 100)
耐磨天然橡胶、 食品安全天然橡胶、 高温天然橡胶、 EPDM, 黑色食品安全三元乙丙橡胶, 浅色食品安全三元乙丙橡胶,***橡胶,黑色食品安全***橡胶,浅色食品安全丁購橡胶,氟橡胶,硅树脂,氯丁橡胶,氯石黄化聚乙烯橡胶,丁基橡胶.
关于夹管阀配套设备的详细 资料 请您参考zo1″一阀门配件
natural rubber antiabrasive, natural rubber food quality, natural rubber high temp., EPDM, EPDM food blaGk, EPDM food pale, Nitrile, Nitrile food black, Nitrile food pale, Viton, Silicone, CR(Neoprene), C***, Butyle.
Pinch valve Accessories to be found on our data sheet
"Z01"-Pinch Valve Accessories.