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Timken铁姆肯轴承,ELATECH E14M同步带,以色列宏达传动皮带,中***销总部

产品编号:868369100                    更新时间:2019-08-29
价格: 来电议定


  • 主营业务:TIMKEN铁姆肯轴承宏达PVECTOROWER三角带ELA...
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  • 公司地址:上海市奉贤区沪杭公路3281号


汪先生/赵小姐 13917743266



Timken铁姆肯轴承,ELATECH E14M同步带,以色列宏达传动皮带,中***销总部


      ELATECH E14M同步带 Double Helical Synchronous Belt tran***ission theory and application research are new hot research topics after the straight teeth and helical synchronous belt tran***ission. Since Double Helical Synchronous Belt relies on tooth meshing to deliver the power, it has advantages of chain and friction type belt tran***ission, like ***ooth, high carrying capacity, high reliability, low noise, simple structure, convenient maintenance, etc. This article through the theoretical calculation and analysis, design and calculation the tooth shape parameters and structure parameters of Double Helical Synchronous Belt , determine the special processing technology of this belt.

      以色列宏达传动皮带 First, analyze the macro-and micro-tooth force of timing belt to discuss the deformation with teeth and alveolar based on a tooth profile that our group designed earlier; C***ider the elastic deformation coordination of teeth to obtain load distribution between teeth when the force of the loose side and the tight side is known. Get conclusi*** that the first tooth of the tight side bears the maximum normal load. C***idering the particularity of belt materials, establish a elastic contact finite element model of teeth to making a theoretical basis for the later simulation . 

      Secondly, use conformal mapping method to minimize the maximum stress of the tooth root and determine the optimum profile parameters Timken铁姆肯轴承 based on our group pre-designed high-tooth timing belt tooth. According to engagement theory, Use Source line method to obtain teeth equation of the belt mold processing appliance and the pulley processing appliance, use MATLAB to draw the appropriate profile. Study the structure of the mold according to the characteristics of Double Helical Synchronous Belt and special processing technology to design the mold. Design the cutting hob tooth of belt mold and pulley according to the anti-tooth belt forming principle. 

      Finally, establish a pair of three-dimensional model of meshing based on a reasonable simplification, process stress analysis and finite element simulation using ANSYS finite element software, process a comparative analysis between the finite element results of the belt and a straight teeth belt ,confirm the timing belt failure is mainly due to the correctness of the tooth root fracture. The results of finite element analysis also determine the maximum principal stress of the tooth root to a minimum target, with the best gear spiral angle is 30 °. 

上海复谦工业皮带有限公司VECTOR电话:021-51698687传真:021-57446367联系人:汪先生/赵小姐 13917743266


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