ZestET1 Gigabit Ethernet FPGA Board,低成本高性能FPGA板
ZestET1 是一款低成本, 简单易用, 性能非常高的千兆以太网 TCP/IP 卸载引擎(TOE) FPGA模块,它提供通用的接口,能够以千兆速度快速将设备连接到以太网。它能够在每个方向上维持 100MBytes/s 的采样率。
Orange Tree's proprietary GigExpedite chip "GigEx" is a TOE that handles all the Ethernet communicati*** protocols. This le***es the Spartan-3A FPGA completely free for the user's application, and means the user doesn't h***e to know anything about Ethernet protocols. With the main processing engine implemented in TOE ha***are, sustained data rates over 100MBytes/sec are achieved. You can read more about GigEx here.
With its low price point, ease of use and compact form factor (50mm x 75mm), the module is ideally suited to integration in embedded systems and OEM equipment. It features a user programmable Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGA with up to 1.4M system gates that are completely free for user programming.
The FPGA can be programmed from on-board Flash, Ethernet or JTAG, and is capable of running soft-core processors and higher level protocols such as GigE Vision and Industrial Ethernet. It can also be used as a programmable interface to external devices, for processing data on the fly, high speed processing of streaming data and controlling external devices.
Low cost and easy to use with no detailed Ethernet networking knowledge required
Offers simple access to very fast data rates over Gigabit Ethernet without h***ing to integrate complex networking ha***are and software
Devices can communicate via Ethernet without using a processor or incurring processor overheads
Can be quickly and cost-effectively extended to application layer protocols
More than 100MBytes/s sustained data rate in each direction over Gigabit Ethernet
High reliability and high stability ha***are Gigabit Ethernet TOE for UDP and TCP/IP offload
User programmable companion Spartan-3A FPGA supports low cost, soft core processor implementation and application layer protocols
Windows and Linux software support for configuring and communicating with the user FPGA
Logic cores for all FPGA interfaces
Reference designs (including C, VHDL and Verilog source)