联系人:李小姐 182 1721 7783
The 16th China (Shanghai) International Architectural Coatings & Chemical Materials Show
展览时间: 2020年7月15-17日
Time: From July 16th to July 18th in 2020
Address: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345, Longyang Road)
展览规模: 100000平方米(E1-E7)
Scale: 100000㎡(E1-E7)
Organizers: China Urban Development Committee of ***IT
Shanghai Building Materials Industry Association
Shanghai New International Expo Center
⊙ New Energy-s***ing and environmental-protecting Building Materials:
Interiors & Exteriors decorative coating, Waterproof coating, fireproof coating, thermal insulation coating, antiriot and preservative coating, roof coating, floor coating, fluorocarbon coating, photovoltaic coating, UV coating, coil coating, stucco, stone-like coating, rock slice paint, water paint, etc.
⊙ Chemical Building Materials:
Wall decorative materials, tape, building tile adhesive, building stone adhesive, building board adhesive, sealant, wallpaper glue, caulking glue, glass sealant installation, interface agent, the interface mortar treatment agent and etc.
⊙ Raw Materials for Building Coatings:
Composite rock, natural resins, synthetic resins, pigments, solvents, paddings, fillers and etc.
⊙ C***truction and Testing Equipment: packaging and printing equipment, grinding machines, painting tools, production testing equipment, color systems and color ca*** and etc.
⊙ Relevant Service Institutes and Media: software program, c***ultancy service, technical training support, magazine publication media and etc.
⊙ 建筑内外墙保温材料/装饰材料施工企业、地产开发项目机构、建筑公司及相关管理部门
Target Audiences:
⊙ C***truction enterprises related to interior and exterior insulation materials / decorative materials, agencies for real estate development project agencies, c***truction companies and related management departments.
⊙ 各国驻华***商务处、境外在华贸易机构及境外相关客户
⊙ The business office of foreign embassies, foreign trade agencies and overseas clients.
⊙ 各地区建筑涂料经销商、代理商;各拟建、在建及改扩建项目业主等
⊙Distributors and agents for c***truction coatings in all regi***; Owners for project planned to be built, building, renovating and expanding.
?Standard Booth: (3m×3m)=9m2
?光地(***低租用面积为36 m2,光地地毯、水、电、气及特殊装修管理费等另算,双开口展位加10%费用。)
?Bare Space(The lowest renting area is 36㎡; Extra fee for carpet, water, electricity, gas and management for special decoration; another 10% fee for corner booth)
展位类型 国际区 国内区
标准展位 国际展商 国内展商 RMB 13800
USD 2800 RMB 15800
光地/m2 USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380
Type International P***ilion Domestic P***ilion
Standard Booth International Exhibitors Domestic Exhibitors RMB 13800
USD 2800 RMB 15800
Bare Space/㎡ USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380
Advertising in the Show Catalogue( Show Catalogue: 140mm×210mm)
封二:RMB 12,000 封三:RMB 10,000 封 底:RMB15,000元 门 票:5000元/万张
Inside the Front Cover: RMB 12000 Inside the Back Cover: RMB 10000
Back Cover: 15000 Ticket: 5000 RMB for 10000 tickets
内页:RMB 6,000 礼品袋广告:18000元/5000只(尺寸295×410mm)
Inside Page: RMB 6000 Advertisement on gift bags: 18000 RMB for 5000 pieces (295×410mm)
邮 编:201102
Postcode: 201102
电 话:86-21-6493 0923
Phone Number: 86-21-6493 0923
传 真:86-21-6493 0916
Fax: 86-21-6493 0916
联系人:李丽 小姐 182 1721 7783