l 粉红色珠光乳状液体。含有多种天然润肤剂及羊毛脂类
l 经常使用能使皮肤柔嫩、滑爽,清香怡人
l 放入液体皂盒内使用
Hand lotion
l Reddy viscosity milk liquid. Contains several natural skin moisten and wool greases.
l Keep skin clean, refreshing, soft and ***ooth.
l Put the lotion into dispenser designed for liquid product.
l 无色粘性液体,玫瑰香味
l 泡沫丰富,能有效除去地毯上的污垢,洗后地毯颜色更加鲜艳,能延长地毯使用寿命
l 本品不会渗入地毯内层,能与地毯上污垢结合形成微小晶体,干燥后用吸尘器吸去。适用于高泡地毯清洗机
l 机洗以1∶30配水后使用;手工清洗以1∶10配水,用刷子在地毯上刷洗。地毯清洗前后都应用吸尘器将粉尘吸掉
High foamy carpet cleaner
l Colorless viscous liquid.
l Does not permeate into the interior of carpet and can combine with spot to form micro-particle removed by vacuum cleaner, suitable for washing machine.
l Dilute with water at the ratio of 1 to 30 for machine, at the ratio of 1 to 10 for manual, and the dust must be cleared away with vacuum cleaner before and after cleaning
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