l 粉色液体,有酸性(Ⅰ型)和碱性(Ⅱ型)两种型号,环保型,新配方
l 能有效地除去浴盆、洗手盆和瓷砖表面的水斑渍和***脂类污渍。洗后光洁如新
l Ⅱ型产品可用于大理石表面的清洗
l 根据污脏程度,以1∶10至1∶30配水,用卫生刷擦洗或喷洒数分钟后用清水冲洗
Bathroom cleaner
l There are two kind products bearing acidic or alkalinity, pink transparent viscous liquid.
l Spots and grease on the surface of washbowl, bathtub and urinal, can be removed and make them bright as fresh.
l The alkalinous product can be used for marble.
l According to stain condition diluted with water at the ratio of 1∶10 to 1∶30, sprayed directly or brushed and then rinse with cleaning water.
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