l 有良好的浸润、去污能力,不损害地毯纤维,可用于各种颜色和纤维的地毯洗涤,洗后鲜艳如新
l 用于带抽吸的地毯洗涤机
l 根据地毯污脏程度,按1∶30左右配水后使用。清洗前应对地毯进行一次吸尘处理
Low foamy carpet cleaner
l Colorless transparent liquid, low foam.
l H***e good moisten ability and remove soil on carpet effectively without harm to carpet fabric, suitable for washing carpet made of various color and fabric.
l Suitable for extraction type washing machine.
l Dilute with water at the ratio about one to thirty and the dust must be removed by vacuum cleaner before washing.
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