l 用于各种玻璃板、镜子、陈列橱窗、门窗、玻璃幕墙的清洗,使玻璃光亮洁净
l 按1∶40配水后,涂抹或喷洒在玻璃表面上,用玻璃刮洗器自上而下反复刮洗,至擦净为止,然后用干布擦干
Glass cleaner
l Blue transparent liquid.
l Suitable for cleaning of any kind of plate glass, mirrors, shopwindows, door windows and glass wall.
l Dilute with water at the ratio about 1∶40 , spray the diluted solution onto the surface of glass and scrape from top to bottom repeatedly with glass scraper then drying with dry cloth.
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