l 蓝色液体,环保型,新配方。
l 能有效除去马桶、尿槽、浴盆及瓷砖地面、墙面的尿碱、水垢、锈迹,不损伤管道。
l 注意:不能用于大理石表面的清洗;避免接触眼睛和皮肤。
l 将原液或按1∶10—20配水,喷洒在污渍处,用工具擦洗后冲净。
Toilet cleaner
l Blue viscous solution, environmental protection product,
l Removes rust, lime and urinary spots on the surface of urinal, bathtub, wall and ceramic tiles. Without harm to pipes and plumbing.
l Notes: Unsuitable for marble surface. Keep the cleaner from skin and eyes.
l Put the original or diluted solution with water at the ratio of 1∶10—20 on the spot area, then rub or rinse by clean water.
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