l 无色透明液体
l 能有效地洗去客衣领口、袖口上的重污渍
l 用于各种面料的客衣洗涤
l 将本品直接涂在客衣的领口、袖口等污渍处,轻轻搓洗或几分钟后投入洗衣机内洗涤
Collar spot cleaner
l Colorless transparent.
l Easy to remove the spot on the collar and sleeve of clothes.
l To wash guest clothes for all fabric.
l Put it on the collar and cuff of clothes, and then washed by hand or washed as regular after several min.
详情咨询010-63803121 63856889 Email-biqing10@om ***363615790
http:// 联系人:苏先生 电话 13366752361