TM58PE10 is a multi-function MCU. It has Five IRQ sources and 4 modes of Resets. The Reset vector is 3FFH and IRQ vector is 3FEH. There are 3 timers and 1 WDT in this MCU. Two of timer can connect be a 16 bits timer. The WDT can be choice 4 different periods. In advance mode, TM58PE10 provide IRQ, convenient wake up function and flexible addressing mode. Also provide 4 kind of oscillate modes, include RC, LP Crystal, NT Crystal and HS Crystal.
ROM: 1K x 14 bits
RAM: 49 x 8 bits / 25 x 8 bits
STACK: 4 Levels
I/O ports: 12 / 16 I/O PAD .
(a) 8 Pull High I/O PAD from Port B (PULL-Hi resister =54K(Vdd=5V)) .
(b) 4 normal I/O PAD from Port A .
(c) 4 special IO PAD from EXT_CLK, RESETB1 (Input only), OSC2 and OSC1 (Only In Advance mode, Assign to PA4 ~ PA7)
Timer/counter: 8bits x 3 (TMR0, TMR1, TMR2) / TMR1 and TMR2 can connect be a 16 bits x 1timer
Prescaler: 3 Bits
Five IRQ sources: 3 Internal IRQ, when TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 count overflow 2 External IRQ: PA0/RESETB0/INT0, PA5/RESETB1/INT1
Watchdog Timer: On chip WDT is based on internal RC oscillator (for WDT used only). Has 4 modes period can be select: 1mS, 4mS, 8mS, and16mS. User can extend the WDT overflow period by using prescaler.
Reset mode:
(a) Power-On reset
(b) Low voltage reset
(c) 2 External Pin reset (PA0/RESETB0/INT0, PA5/RESETB1/INT1).
(d) Watchdog timer count overflow reset
Reset Timer: 16mS (5V)
Four external Oscillate modes: RC,LP Crystal, NT Crystal and HS Crystal.
One internal RC oscillator: 4M Hz (for user used)
Two operation modes: General mode, and Advanced mode.
Operation Voltage: 2.2V~5.5V
Instruction set: 79
Wake-up mode: Port B (PB7~PB0) Pin Change wakeup. Wake up time can be set by WDTSEL register (23H)
Reset vector: 3FFH
IRQ vector: 3FEH
台湾十速科技于1997年设立,为设计、制造及销售各种CMOS ICs的***IC设计供应厂商。主要产品有 4/8 位精简指令型微控制器(RISC MCU)、集成型非易失性内存(Embedded NVM) 及系统集成芯片(SOC),这些产品广泛应用于通讯、OA、IA 、Internet、Networks及计算机外设及消费性产品上。
手机:13049863630 联系人:刘小姐