HP83620B /83630B/83640B/83650B信号源 维修 供应 收购租赁 83620B 10MHz~20GHz 83622B 2GHz~20GHz
83623B 10MHz~20GHz(高功率) 83624B 2GHz~20GHz(高功率)
83630B 10MHz~26.5GHz 83640B 10MHz~40GHz
83650B 10MHz~50GHz 83623L 10MHz~20GHz 83630L 10MHz~26.5GHz 83640L 10MHz~40GHz
83650L 10MHz~50GHz 主要选件描述:
选件001 增加步进衰减速器 选件002 增加内部调制发生器(只适用于8360B) 选件004 后面板射频输出 选件006 快速脉冲调制(只适用于8360B)
选件008 1Hz频率分辨率
选件1E1 70dB步进衰减器 选件1E5 高稳定度时基
地 址:深圳市福田区福虹路华强花园C 座14F
电 话:86-755-82514800
传 真:86-755-82514709
手 机:13421364554<lucy> 18938661102 <小高>
Q Q: ***(1): 461489287
***(2): 820001
***(3): 349899792
邮 箱:daruibo@
The Agilent 83630B synthesized sweeper is the standard of excellence for applicati*** requiring the high performance and accuracy of a synthesized source and the speed and versatility of a sweep oscillator. Synthesized broadband frequency coverage and precise 1 Hz frequency resolution (Opt 008) are generated by indirect synthesis, enabling the Agilent 83630B to achieve low single-sideband phase noise performance. It also delivers excellent harmonic performance with harmonics at least 50 dB below the carrier from 2.0 to 26.5 GHz.
+13 dBm calibrated output power
- -50 dBc harmonics <26.5 GHz typical
- SSB phase noise <-80 dBc at 10 GHz and 10 kHz offset
- Complete analog sweeper
- 1 Hz frequency resolution (Option 008)
- Pulse, amplitude and frequency modulation (8360B Series only)
- -110 dBm output power with step attenuator (Option 001)