品牌:罗德与施瓦茨 Rohde&Schwarz
The family comprises the five Vector Network Analyzers ZVRL, ZVRE and ZVR as well as ZVCE and ZVC which extend the frequency range to 8 GHz. All models are compact instruments with integrated generator, test set and receiver, each tailored to a different field of application. All analyzers can be subsequently upgraded to the higher-class models.
ZVRE and ZVCE : the economy models
The test set of these models comprises two SWR bridges (ZVRE) or directional couplers (ZVCE), an RF switch, two measurement channels and one reference channel. They measure the magnitude and phase of all four S-parameters of a DUT, allow a full two-port calibration (TO***) and h***e an exceptionally high accuracy and wide dynamic range.
ZVRE, ZVCE (bidirectional, 3 channels)
ZVR and ZVC : the universal models
ZVR and ZVC comprise a test set with two SWR bridges (ZVR) or directional couplers (ZVC), an RF switch, two measurement channels and - unlike ZVRE and ZVCE - two reference channels. With this configuration a variety of novel calibration procedures, eg TNA, can be performed, which c***iderably improve the accuracy particularly in non-coaxial applicati***. ZVR and ZVC are the allrounders of the family and suitable for applicati*** in R&D and production no matter how sophisticated.
ZVR, ZVC (bidirectional, 4 channels)
Test sets
The network analyzers can be provided with different test set opti*** so that an optimally configured test setup is ***ailable to suit the applicati***.
For the 4 GHz analyzers "active" or "passive" test sets with a characteristic impedance of 50 W or 75 W are ***ailable. A 50 W passive test set is standard equipment. With active test sets, the DUT can be biased directly via the inner conductor of the test port. The 8 GHz models ZVCE and ZVC are always equipped with 50 W active test sets. Depending on the model, the test sets comprise one or two power splitters, an electronic switch and one or two SWR bridges or directional couplers. Additional step attenuators (0 dB to 70 dB, components marked red in the drawings below) can be inserted into the generator paths and the two measurement channels to extend the power range of the receivers to +27 dBm and to lower minimum output power to -95 dBm. When the test sets are fitted with attenuators and the External Measurements option (components marked green in the drawings below), generator and receiver can be alternatively switched to three ports on the front panel (OUTPUT a1, INPUT b1, INPUT b2). This increases output power, sensitivity and dynamic range, and measurements down to 10 Hz can be performed with the 4 GHz models. In addition, the flexibility on external test sets, e.g. using an external pre-amplifier, is enhanced. The Reference Channel Ports (components marked blue in the drawings below) allow to feed the signal for the reference channel a1 from outside. This feature facilitates e.g. phase measurements on frequency converting devices. The test ports are fitted with female N connectors.
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