德国罗普ROPO电动执行器德国罗普,上世纪中叶诞生于德国北威州,***从事执行机构,流量控制阀研究与开发。经过数十年的不懈努力,已在欧洲自动化领域独占鳌头,其优良的品质和完善的工程解决方案,已得到行业内主要终端用户的认可。迄今为止,我们已经拥有10台数控加工中心,20台CNC加工中心,***阀门测试设备15台。优质的产品离不开***的团队,目前已拥有各类技术人员近40人,其中***工程师10人,***级***中程师2人,员工总数更是达到了近300人。罗普的产品主要是气动/电动执行器、气动/电动球阀、蝶阀、气动调节阀等,广泛应用于石油、石化、***、冶金、电厂、造纸、食品、污水处理等多领域,尤其适用于恶劣情况条件下的远程控制,为各类流体工程提供***的成套解决方案。随着中国工业***快速发展的步伐,ROPO将以自身***的技术,优良的品质为中国工业化水平的进一步提高而添砖加瓦,为广大客户能更加及时准确的应用ROPO产品而提供无微不至的服务。德国罗普ROPO电动执行器 ROPO well-known professional manufacturer of pneumatic actuators and pneumatic/electric control valves, was born in Nordrhein-WestfalenDusseldorf, Germany.Engaging in the actuator, control valves research and development for more than dozens of years, ROPO is one of the pioneers in the field of flow control valves around the PO’s Main products are pneumatic actuators, electric actuators, ball valves, butterfly valves, electric / pneumatic (single-seated, double-seater, three-way, sleeve) control valves, electric / gas, such as valve positioner, limit switch and so on.High-quality Products derived from every details of the motives, every Units contain our enthusia*** and professionali***. We focus on the details of the refined products and innovative technologies. Providing a complete fluid control soluti*** to our customerOnly pioneers can advance with the times! With international professional standa*** and the full range of humanized service in the field ofindustrial automation, we establish a model for our daily outpourings of pride and excellence in continuing dedication…德国罗普ROPO电动执行器